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Posted on Fri Jan 14th, 2011 @ 2:29pm by Captain Nathan Cowell MD & Lieutenant Kiyraesyn Valdor

Mission: Hippocratic Hijacking
Location: Sickbay, USS Arizona
Timeline: Concurrent with 'Away Team Abuse'

When the Arizona's First Officer, Intelligence Chief, and Security Chief departed the bridge, Nathan realized that Jack had said nothing about taking a medical team nor any engineers. This would normally have been a problem and a serious oversight on his part, given that rendering such aid was usually standard practice. Their mission, however, spoke nothing of salvaging the ship if they found it, which was easily ignored. What Nathan was not so keen about doing was leaving the crew to fend for themselves, since they most likely weren't equipped to handle major triage and immediate casualty response with the supplies they had. This prompted Doc Cowell to assume full physician mentality and head to the sickbay, though not before passing the bridge off on Lieutenant Marion.

His arrival in sickbay was met with a few looks his way before everyone turned back to their duties. That was something he'd expected out of a medical team. Walking in to the Chief Medical Officer's side office, Nathan had to, for a moment, fight the urge to grab the physicians jacket that was hanging in a corner.

"Ms. Valdor, you got a second?" Nathan inquired.

"For you, sir, I've got more than that." Kiyraesyn said. "What can I do for you ?"

"How are you set for medical supplies? I know we're not out here to help this Ferengi tend to his crew and ship, but the doctor in me can't sit and watch those people go without at least some basic medical supplies. From what I've been told, their medic is dead, and I'm sure they have more than a few injuries over there. Maybe a care package would be in order from us to them?" Nathan explained his desires.

"Right, well I was able to snag up quite a lot before we departed, so let me have a quick look to see what all we've got, but I'm sure I can have something substantial arranged," Valdor replied diligently.

"Excellent. The away team is due back in an hour or so, you have until then to get something transported over. after that, I don't foresee us sticking around. Think you can do it in an hour?" Cowell asked.

"Consider it done," Kiyraesyn stated, her voice laced with an unbreakable confidence.

"Thank you, Ms. Valdor, I appreciate you getting this done as fast as possible. If you run into problems, let me know," Nathan said as he started to walk out.

"Of course, Captain." With that, Kiyraesyn turned to one of her nurses, who had evidently been paying attention to their conversation, and gestured curtly to signal the assembly of the care package. The nurse set to work straight away, utilising a few other colleagues in order to make the work move faster. Valdor continued to oversee their work, but she also had several patients to look at and care for at the same time. Fortunately, Kiyraesyn prided herself on her incredibly penchant for multi-tasking, and was not concerned at all about losing track of anything in her Sick Bay.


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