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The Migraine

Posted on Thu Jan 13th, 2011 @ 12:36pm by Lieutenant Dravic Rixx (MIA)

Mission: Hippocratic Hijacking
Location: SS North Star
Timeline: During Away Team Abuse/Debriefing

Dravic stood at the small console that served as the North Star's Engineering Department, the Chief Engineer was reviewing the repair logs and systems to try to determine how to get the ship's primary systems back online. However, the last person who was given the charge of Engineering, should have been fired.

"Get in Here Senior Chief," Rixx pointed at the console, "Can you make heads or tails of this?"

SCPO Corvak looked at the North Star's power distribution system, and got a puzzled look on his face, "Umm," scratching his chin, "Well, Sir, It looks like, no, that's wierd."

"You have no idea whats wrong with this bucket do you Senior?"

The Enlisted man touched the screen, and changed the view on several of the images as he scrolled through, "Actually, I do, but I don't understand why they did this. This ship has been heavily jury rigged. Half of the EPS conduits are reroutes around old problems, they patched the issue, and never fixed it. We can get them operational, but its not going to be pretty."

"Senior, I want you in charge of the power systems, your the man for the job," Rixx leaned his head from side to side, cracking his neck, and rubbing the back of his neck, "This damn ship is giving me a headache, I think I'm going to go back to the ship and go get the Doc to give me something for the pain."

Corvak looked at Rixx, "You alright?"

"I think something on this ship is giving me a Migraine, wonder if its a contagion, or if its something racial. Do a check after I leave, see if this ships warp core isn't shielded against something that ours is."

Rixx headed out of the Engineering Section as the Senior Chief looked back at him, "Hope he's ok."


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