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Resstless Heart

Posted on Fri Jul 1st, 2011 @ 2:59pm by Lieutenant Torrna Maliya MD

Mission: Too Close for Comfort...
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Sometime after 'Log 1'

Maliya was not one to sit still, so after settling into her quarters and making a log, she dropped by the Mess Hall and had a quick meal before making her way back to Sickbay to do some work.

So the first order of business was to make the rounds of all the resting patients, see how they were doing. That was short work relatively, as nothing had changed since she'd made the last rounds.

One of the wounded NCO's had spiked an elevated fever which was taken care of by prescribing Nexo-eronol to bring the fever down, as the Brikari system could only handle that particular drug to bring down fevers. The Brikari complained a bit, claiming he was fine and that he could handle it, but both the Nurse and Torrna ignored him as he clearly needed it. His attitude went from defiant to grateful quite soon.

Next, Maliya inspected the autopsy reports of the crew that had died in the horible incident prior to her arrival, it was sheer curiosity on her part as she sat at at the deck in the CMO's office, Doctor Kar'G having vacated it some hours ago. Briefly, as she'd read reports, she wondered what those people were like, and what they were doing at the time of their deaths.

It was a somewhat morbid curiosity on her part, she was aware, but she couldn't help it. The one thing that she did hope for was that they had died with honor, doing their jobs properly, because there was nothing worse than dying stupidly. As soon as the curiosity hit her, so soon it left her after she got done with the reports.

She might aswell do some paperwork of her own right now, like Kar'G had indicated earlier. Maliya knew she'd be done with it soon, as she was one of the very few people who didn't mind it. She liked having her files and records fully up to date and in pristine condition. Sloppy records by her colleagues, or anyone else for that matter were a pet peeve of hers.

Briefly, she wondered how she'd get along with the chief, Doctor Serran, and that weird one whose name she couldn't pronounce, and the others. She was sure of one thing however. Her working relationship with Doctor Kar'G would be most interesting. Those two would either be like two cats in a territory marking contest or get along famously. Time would tell, but what an interesting time that would be.


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