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Disorderly Conduct

Posted on Mon Jul 4th, 2011 @ 12:22am by Ensign Andrexi Callai MD

Mission: Too Close for Comfort...
Location: Transporter Room 2
Timeline: Backpost - Just prior to departure

Dr. Andrexi Callai had travelled a long way to be here. He'd spent two years in a distant sector of the Beta Quadrant with Project Arrowhead, serving as an emergency medical officer in a massive, ongoing humanitarian disaster. Tens of thousands of light-years later, he sat on the steps of the pad in the Arizona's Transporter Room 2. The operator behind the console worked diligently, beaming the last of the replenished supplies wherever in the ship they were designated to go. He paid the young doctor little attention as he went about his duties.

The two rather large security officers near the door, however, were another matter. They watched his every move as if they expected him to be some shape shifting alien bent on seizing control of the ship by force for some nefarious purpose.

Then again, this was Starfleet. He supposed that had happened before...

Still, in the 24th century, one had to wonder just how transfer orders could be lost.

As he waited for the powers that be, somewhere up above, to sort things out, he sat patiently. The guard on the left seemed more seasoned, recognizing the situation for what it was -- a mix-up regarding orders. The man on the right seemed a bit less certain and studied him as if he might grow another head and attempt to charge past them at any moment.

Andy held his case on his lap, his fingers tapping absently along its surface until he met Mr. Right's disapproving eyes. "I'm sorry," he said quietly, pressing his hands flat against the case. 'Please don't shoot me,' he added to himself.

He had just come to the conclusion that this would be an excellent time for someone to come to his rescue when the doors slid open and someone wearing science blues entered.


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