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A Retrospective in Rage

Posted on Mon Jul 4th, 2011 @ 12:35pm by Lieutenant Commander Aral Aix
Edited on on Mon Jul 4th, 2011 @ 12:40pm

Mission: Too Close for Comfort...
Location: Rel'Tura Prison Facility
Timeline: Following 'Getting the lowdown...'

The cell had been silent for over an hour. Each member of the away team sat, dispersed around the room's perimeter, contemplating his own fate. Aral sat furthest from anyone, his eyes closed as he tried to forget his last spell of incarceration. Earlier a meal had been served and the lights had been recently dimmed. In the outside worlds it was obviously night. Aix gave up any attempt at mental discipline and stretched out on his mat, closing his eyes. Sleep would almost certainly prove elusive, but the silent darkness would allow rest.

=Symbiosis Commission; Trill=

A dark purple bruise the width of a man's hand hung around her long neck and her eyes were flecked with something deeper than sadness, guilt. Dr Kara Pela, one of the Federation's most prominent psychiatrists, had taken a sudden sabbatical to Trill. Her aging face sagged with exhaustion and missed meals and her guilt ridden eyes rested on generous cushions. She sighed, cracking her hands, and relaxing into her chair. "And how are you today Aral?"

The adolescent to whom she addressed herself had not moved in the last ten minutes. From the moment she had entered his room he had stared at her; but for his shallow breathing his body was motionless.

Dr Pela recrossed her legs and folded her hands on her lap, she was waiting. Two days ago her patient had launched himself at her and forced his hands around her throat. Had the guardians not intervened she would have died. He had not spoken to her since but the brown eyes that stared back at her were filled with hatred.

"Still not speaking, I see... well we shall try something different today. I am here for a conversation and I shall have one with you whether or not you participate." Her patient blinked but did not acknowledge her. "Now, two days ago you tried to kill me." Her voice was without emotion, "I want to know why."

"The guardians have a different theory, but this is what I think..." In that moment something between the two Trill shifted; she had captured his interest.

"I am not insane."

Dr Pela blinked, Aral's reply was quiet and his lips had barely moved, but she heard his reply. She sat quietly, waiting for him to continue. He did not.

"You blame me for this." Dr Pela continued, "... and you are quite right to."

The eighteen year-old spat at her, it landed at her feet.

She continued, "You are allowed to hate me Aral."

"How gracious of you," the boy replied, his youthful face contorted with rage and the contempt of over two hundred years. "You steal my soul and give me permission to feel." His voice remained quiet and his body motionless.

She did not reply, but sat before him impassive, unafraid and, despite the echoes of his rage around her neck, undiminished.

"You did this. You wanted this... and you knew this would happen." He shifted in his chair, settling into his subject. "You present yourself as my friend, my doctor - my soothsayer, saint and saviour rolled into one frail old woman." He paused, his voice had risen, the boy knew what he was saying and yet the words that had appeared in his mouth were not his, and yet they captured his message. "Friend and foe." He shuddered. "Healer and tormentor, demon, doctor devil." He was now on his feet, his face was the very picture of hate and his voice was rising with each gasping breath. "And you sit there waiting, talking, watching. Physician, heal thyself."

She smiled.

He lunged towards her, his hands reaching for her throat. "You are no good to me."

=Two Hours Later=

This time Dr Pela sat alone basking in the light of her south facing study. The furniture, walls and art were all a clinical shade of white. Her neck bore fresh marks and her hands shook slightly as she held her teacup.

"Begin log." Her voice was a rasp in her throat and her face a picture of pain and resolution.

"Today the subject made a breakthrough. The influence of the symbiont's knowledge and experience was evident in the host's self expression. This is the first indication we have so far had that Aral and Aix will be able to integrate into a single psyche. Admittedly, it was a small, angry outburst that led to violence..." her voice faded and she took a hesitant sip from her cup.

"I admit this offers me the professional and personal vindication I need. The guardians have been of the opinion that the host is incurable and ought to be euthanized and the symbiont returned to the pools. Were it not for my presence, and Starfleet's involvement in Aral's case, I am certain this is the course that would have been followed..."


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