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Reporting for Duty

Posted on Tue Jul 5th, 2011 @ 9:45am by Lieutenant Jasad Broca

Mission: Too Close for Comfort...
Location: USS Arizona, Engine Room and Bridge
Timeline: Immediately after The Cardassian Cometh
Tags: Lt. Minamoto, other PC's on the bridge

Corvak shook his head, "You won't find her here. Lieutenant Minamoto is currently on the bridge."

Jasad inclined his head, "Ah, I see. Directing repair functions from there, I imagine."

"Yes sir," Corvak acknowledged, "though I believe she is also in command."

"In command," a hint of alarm seeped through Jasad's features, "was the ship so severely... damaged?"

A haunted look surfaced on Chief Corvak's features, "The ship was indeed severely damaged, sir. And we lost many good people. However, it's not quite what you think. Much of the senior staff is on an away mission."

"Ah," Jasad said. He said nothing else for a moment, out of uncertainty about what would be appropriate. "Well, you have my sympathies," he said at last. "I know what it is to lose comrades."

"We all do," Chief Corvak responded. There was something deeper in the simple statement. Jasad wondered if the Chief was making a broader comment about their shared heritage. Some estimates suggested that one in ten Cardassians had been killed during the Dominion War. It was a death toll higher than any plague Cardassia had ever endured.

Jasad simply nodded solemnly. Then he half-turned, adding, "I will be reporting to the bridge, then. Thank you for your time, Chief Corvak."

"Of course, sir," Corvak said, and quickly got back to work.

Two minutes later, the turbolift deposited Jasad onto the bridge.

He took a moment to take in the command center of the ship. On the surface, judged by superficial criteria, one bridge was very much like another. Still, he felt that every ship's bridge retained its own unique character and personality. This was the brain of the ship, where the wills and whims of mortals were transformed into colossal, godlike acts. Engineers brewed the power of a star in their technological altar, but it was from here that such power was directed to influence the universe. Some day, he hoped to sit at the core of such a room. Then it would be his will that touched the heavens.

At the core of this room, however, was another Engineer. A young and beautiful human female.

His superior.

"Lieutenant Broca reporting for duty, Captain," he announced.


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