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The Machine Minders

Posted on Mon Jul 11th, 2011 @ 12:38pm by Lieutenant Jasad Broca & Lieutenant JG Toshie Minamoto

Mission: Too Close for Comfort...
Location: USS Arizona Bridge
Timeline: Immediately After Reporting for Duty
Tags: Special attention to Lieutenant JG Alexis Sylvari

Two minutes later, the turbolift deposited Jasad onto the bridge.

He took a moment to take in the command center of the ship. On the surface, judged by superficial criteria, one bridge was very much like another. Still, he felt that every ship's bridge retained its own unique character and personality. This was the brain of the ship, where the wills and whims of mortals were transformed into colossal, godlike acts. Engineers brewed the power of a star in their technological altar, but it was from here that such power was directed to influence the universe. Some day, he hoped to sit at the core of such a room. Then it would be his will that touched the heavens.

At the core of this room, however, was another Engineer. A young and beautiful human female.

His superior.

"Lieutenant Broca reporting for duty, Captain," he announced.

Toshie was looking over a PADD as the Cardassian engineer came out of the turbolift and headed straight for her. The young woman had the look of someone who had been run ragged over the past few days, that weariness about her that a good night's sleep would overcome. She sat back in her chair and then rose to her feet when he announced himself.

"Only the Captain until the Commodore comes back from his field trip, Lieutenant. I'm Lieutenant Minamoto, Chief Engineering Officer. You must be my new engineer. Glad you could make it, we're desperately short-handed and there's a lot I need to fill you in on."

A few quick swipes on the PADD and it was held out to him, "This is our current engineering situation. Most of the fires are under control, but we still have some small problems to deal with."

Jasad's initial impression of his new superior officer was of a no-nonsense type who got down to business without being brusque or rude. That was a personality he could work with. As she spoke to him, he observed a story written on the features of her face- a story of long days with very little rest.

He accepted the offered PADD with a nod and glanced at its contents, the story of her weariness became plainer. This ship had been abused from stem to stern by some formidable foe.

"I look forward to getting my hands dirty," he said to her, looking up from the PADD after reading some of the highlights. "If you don't mind me asking, Sir..." He paused for a moment. He'd had female superiors before, of course, but there was no rulebook for how they liked to be addressed. Sir was technically correct, but different women from different cultures had their own preferences. The last thing he wanted to do was to offend his new boss while reporting for duty.

On the other hand, it would be easy to appear incompetent or insecure if he stumbled over titles. He pushed on without dwelling on the issue. After all, there was little point in second-guessing what had already been uttered.

" did the ship come to take such punishment?"

Toshie gave him a polite nod as he spoke, the unspoken gesture to continue after his pause, then waved a hand in front of her from side to side in dismissal, "I don't know the details much myself, I only came onboard here and I've been stuck in Engineering getting the ship ready. I've barely even been able to talk to the people who were on the ship when it happened."

She nodded her head down at the PADD, "As you can see, we've replaced the the plasma transfer conduits in two of the pylons already, I have an EVA team working on the other two. Warp drive is functional and we're able to proceed on the upper nacelles." She paused for a moment, thinking, a warm little grin on her face, "I think we gave the shuttle pilots an ulcer when we had the components for the PTCs laid out on the shuttlebay floor. I'm surprised they didn't complain to the Commodore." That grin faded as the weary look returned on her face, "Everyone's a little strung out down there, but they're good people from what I've seen so far. I'll need you to handle things down there while I man the bridge. We have shields and weapons pretty much running, but they'll need someone to keep an eye on them. Also some EPS fluctuations on the lower decks."

Yes, she was definitely an engineer through and through.

Jasad nodded as she admitted that the details of the brutal engagement weren't entirely known to her. He himself had gotten the sense that the ship had been pressed into service quickly after the last mission. Now it was apparent that replacements had been needed even at the senior level. The Chief Petty Officer in Engineering had not been exaggerating when he described heavy losses. Jasad made a mental note to check the current roster and identify those who had, like the woman in front of him, enjoyed insufficient sleep in the past few days. If weapons, engines, and shields were online, then it was time for people to start getting rest before they started making mistakes.

"I will be happy to handle the crucible while you are here," Jasad said. He listened to the litany of recent repairs, the repairs in progress, and the repairs still needed. His eyes widened slightly at the mention of EVA teams. The ship had just exited warp minutes ago. This woman certainly didn't waste any time. He decided to emulate her example.

"If there's nothing else for now, I'll get right to work. I'm sure I can have the EPS fluctuations isolated for you before the end of shift." It was unwise to make those kinds of promises, but Jasad was feeling good about his new position, and the exhilaration of new duties was providing some inflation of his ego. He stood at attention, waiting to be dismissed. Such formalities were only intermittently adhered to on Starfleet ships, but the Cardassian drill died hard with him, even after decades away from the old service.

"Good, very good." Toshie gave a genuine smile at her new assistant engineer. He seemed solid and reliable and she knew that she was going to need both in this assignment, her first senior position. "The EVA should be almost over, they are just inspecting the installation now. I want to be done with as much as possible before we reach orbit of the third planet."

Her eyes noted his posture then as he straightened up. A stickler for protocol and drill, perhaps? With the slightest, slightest hint of a toying grin, she reached out her hand to the Cardassian, "Welcome aboard, Lieutenant, I look forward to working with you. Let's work together and have the best-maintained ship in the sector. We'll have plenty of time to get to know each other soon, so I apologize about how hectic everything is going at the moment. As soon as the Commodore comes back on board, I will drop by and check on things. We had some minor damage from the warp jump, so when you get down there the team should be just getting back."

She paused again, as she had a habit of doing, and thought for a moment, "I think that's everything, though. You're dismissed, Mr. Broca."

Jasad took her offered hand, surprised and pleased as he shook it firmly. It seemed to him that this might be a gesture of acceptance and approval. Not the blustering false-friendliness of his previous senior officer, for whom back-slapping and back-handed compliments went hand-in-hand. Rather, this simpler human expression of professional warmth said much to him about the impression he'd made- and the sort of person he'd be reporting to.

"Thank you, Captain," he said as he withdrew.

Approaching the turbolift, he paused as its doors opened and another attractive human female stepped out. While all humans had soft, smooth faces, the variety of minute details in human features was quite intriguing. This woman had clearly descended from a different region than the Chief Engineer, though she was no less a delight to the eyes. His gaze briefly drifted to her rank pips, and he nodded politely in greeting.

"Lieutenant," he said in acknowledgement. Then he boarded the lift behind her so that he could proceed directly to Engineering and dig into the work that lay before him.


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