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Waltz On In and Surprise the Bad Guys.

Posted on Mon Jul 11th, 2011 @ 7:34pm by Lieutenant Colonel Anastasia DeVries & Darek Halsey

Mission: Too Close for Comfort...

There were literally hundreds of thoughts running through her mind as Stace S. DeVries weaved her way in and out of the crowds en-route towards the smoldering ministry building. At the forefront of those thoughts was the fact that no matter what her or anyone else belonging to the Federation had to say no one within the planet's government would believe them to be innocent. She had to give it to those bastards at the agency... they had succeeded with their heinous plan. All she could do now was concoct an escape plan for her captive crew mates... and perhaps find some of her 'friends' along the way.

Darek pulled his weapon from under his leather jacket, the deal he'd been trying to broker had just gone to hell in a hand basket something quick. To top it off his odds weren't looking good, it was four on one. He'd heard about the attack on the ministry building and who the government was blaming, but beyond that he couldn't get much else on the street so he decided to go to the black market for his information; in doing so he managed to stumble upon the four very angry Archadian's standing around him weapons drawn. "Okay, lets not get our nickers in a twister here..." He said reaching down to his back pack which sat on the floor, if he was going to get out he'd have to do it in a big way.

It looked like the leader, a large woman by his standards was about to go into her speech... again.

Darek seized the moment and pulled out the stun grenade, activating it he slammed it down on the table. Glaring down the woman he moved to lift his finger and let it go off, "I'm going to walk out of here now. I'd suggest you let me do so." He said replacing his magnum under his jacket and grabbing his back pack, pulling it over his shoulder he backed towards the door. "Maybe next time!" He shouted as he tossed the stun grenade back into the room and shouldered the door closed.

Laughing Darek pulled the other strap of the back pack over his shoulder and straightened out his jacket pulling up the collar, taking a few steps back still laughing he bumped square into a person walking down the ally. Turning quickly around he began apologizing, "Sorry I wasn't looking where I was going... Colonel..." He added recognizing the person he'd bumped into.

Jerking her head in the direction of the voice, Stace exhaled a heavy sigh of relief when she saw the familiar face. "Thank the fates Darek! I was beginning to wonder if I would run into anyone from the team in this mess. I'm sure you've heard of the events that have transpired... but let me be the first to tell you it was the section that set us up the bomb. There's no way in hell their government is going to let the Captain's team walk out of this. We're going to have to bust up in there and get them out ourselves."

Darek simply nodded, the Colonel looked extremely distressed and agitated, it was probably more along the lines of extreme worry though. "Yea I heard, but I was trying to keep a low profile." But he pointed over his shoulder, "Until ran into them, and yea that is the conclusion I drew as well only 31 would have the balls and the power to pull of something like this... and... well, looks like it's working too."

Grinning a very sharkesk grin, Darek reached under his jacket and removed his particle magnum. "I've never been one to sit out on a good brig break. I'm in." He replied spinning the weapon on his finger, before replacing it and returning to his composed state. "What's our next step, I have all the gear I'll need to sneak in. As for heavier weapons, were gonna have to steal or scavenge."

"I've been giving this some heavy thought," Stace retorted with a faraway look on her face. "I think in a way they almost expect us to come in after them... and therefore we shouldn't attempt to sneak in at all... we should just walk right through the front door. You game for that?"

"Okay... well I knew you had balls, but this takes that statement to a whole new level." Darek replied crossing his arms over his chest. "Hell I'm crazy enough, and it might even work. Let's do it." But in his head he was screaming about how shitty of an idea that was, and that they were risking too much that there was always another way. It really was the same shit just a different day. "Let's go, time's a wasting."

Stace nodded in agreement. "This culture operates on the mentality and strong fist of a woman... trust me when I say I'm extremely well versed in both."

Their chit chat ceased at that moment as they weaved in and around the crowd back towards the general direction of the ministry building. She had on good suspicion that their remaining crew would more than likely be detained amongst a holding area until such a time when they were to be transferred to their new 'home'. It was her idea to be the ones escorting them to that destination. Glancing a quick look over to her partner in crime she couldn't help but feel relief at knowing he was the one accompanying her on this 'job'. She knew the man well enough to know he could handle business accordingly.

Their journey lasted another few minutes until the smoldering edges of the former pristine building came creeping into view. There was no use in denying the fact that the place had been utterly trashed. The section surely did enjoy their exploits. Shaking her head as the thought quickly began to fade, Stace motioned for Darek to follow her up the crippled stairway leading into the building. "Work with me here..."

The receptionist, a rather small looking Archadian man, stood up and gave Stace a suspicious look, "Can I help you?"

"You sure can," Stace announced as she tossed a thumb behind her towards Darek. "We're here for the prisoners. How about you fetch them up for us."

The man frowned, "I don't recall someone being slated to retrieve any prisoners..."

"You didn't seriously think they would just remain here did you?" the red head questioned with an air of disbelief. "Furthermore, do you have any idea how many people I have to fight through just to get over here in the first place!? I assure you my time is not cheap."

"Well... there was talk of a transfer... but I haven't seen the orders..." the receptionist said, starting to buy in to Stace's bullshit.

She rolled her eyes dramatically at the mention of 'orders'. "Look... mister... secretary," she began as if it pained her to be so delayed, "I really would like to get these lying murdering traitors on their way to hell, if you don't mind. So, you can either be of help... or be of hindrance.... and I don't think you want to experience a taste of that."

The man's eyes darted back and forth for a moment before he sucked in a breath, "Down the corridor, first cell block division on your left. I'll let them know you're coming."

"Don't bother yourself... it's not too far... I'm sure I can explain what's going on when we get there. Instead you go back to your work... what you do here is rather important whether you think so or not."

"Ah... yes... well..." the man blushed a bit. It was rather plain to see that he didn't receive many compliments from the women who ran the complex.

Flashing him a warm smile, Stace nodded at Darek. "Shall we go get those dirtbags now?"

Darek just grunted, not sure if a male subordinate on the planet would actually reply. The only thing he did was show the man at the counter a big shark like grin and removed his particle magnum from under his jacket. He opened the chamber and flipped it closed, with his thumb he quickly set it to kill; and with a whir the gun responded and the chamber began to glow a dark royal purple.

They headed off and Darek gave Stace a wink, pulling a set of photon grenades from his pack. "Surprise!" He said chuckling as he handed one off to Stace who had a tri-corder out collecting data. "What we dealing with?" He inquired passing the first of what appeared to be three guard post check points. "Now or later?" He asked nodding to the guard post, "No reason to leave them for the way out." He said tensing readying his body for action.

"Now seems to be just as good," Stace admitted after a couple of seconds. "Quick and relatively painless I think will do the trick. Good news is I don't see much standing in the way of us getting there... the way out on the other hand might get a bit tricky. I for-see a lot of ass kicking in our future. Shall we?"

Darek nodded and began to count down from ten when he got to five he activated the photon grenade and under handed it into the guard shack. Drawing his weapon he took out the guard coming down the hall way with a single shot to the chest, "Now were running on borrowed time!" He shouted to Stace as he returned fire down the hall. "GO! Hall ways is 3 meters ahead."

A gifted athlete, Stace knew those 3 meters would come in a blink of an eye and she was not disappointed. Briefly skidding to a halt, she motioned towards the left where the secretary said their cell block would be located, and turned the corner with haste. Ahead of them a few feet were two rather unpleasant looking guards who immediately stood rigid at their arrival. Realizing they couldn't risk further attention being drawn to them, Stace initialized a home run slide and threw her first right hook to the nearest bimbo. "Show time!!" she called out.

Darek could have laughed at Stace's shouted comment as she slide tackled a guard but seeing as there were phased energy bursts and beams being lobbed his way, he decided it would be smarter to return fire instead of laughing. He quickly dropped the guard whom had been right hooked with a pair of shots to the chest, digging into his jacket he pulled out a tactical tri-corder.

Hugging the wall Darek covered their backs as Stace finished off the cell blocks final guards, his eyes quickly locked onto the location of their capture crew. "Third cell! Fifth cell!" He shouted pointing towards the one closet to Stace, he turned and quickly headed towards his closest. Of course it was the cell at the end of the block, so it was a bit of a jog. Sliding to a stop Darek peaked into the cell. "Ah hey kids, how goes the sleep over?"

Beginning to follow him, Stace soon felt herself stopping in mid-step. Someone was coming... fast.

Drawing her fists in, Stace was half expecting one of the other guards to come bustling in... however, she was almost shocked to see the familiar figure of the bastard from the bar. Luckily for her he seemed just as surprised. "I should have known..."

"You!" the man screeched as he fumbled for something - no doubt a weapon of some type.

Mumbling to herself, Stace power walked towards the man and quickly gave him a hard jab. "Collect yourself," she hissed with a sense of embarrassment. Surely, the section had not sunk that low. "What the hell has gotten into you!?"

The man blinked as he felt himself being pulled in two directions. His first instinct screamed at him to shoot the woman and get the hell out of dodge... the other was curious as to why she treated him as someone who was so familiar. He could not recall a time he had ever seen her before this mission... but her knowledge of various things made him wonder if he hadn't crossed her briefly before. "I told you to mind your own business..."

"I can't believe you took out the ministry building," she sputtered, ignoring his statement. "In fact, I can't believe any of you thought this plan was smart. Starting this war certainly won't help the section gain favor with anyone."

He grew uncomfortable the more she talked. "We deal with threats to the Federation that jeopardize its very survival. If you knew how many lives we've saved, I think you'd agree that the ends do justify the means."

"Where did you hear that?" Stace demanded as she felt the hairs on the back of her neck rise.

The man raised an eyebrow. "I don't know what you mean."

"Don't lie to me Gipson..." Stace snapped. "I want to know who told you that!"

The agent staggered back as if the sound of his own name was a slap across the face. Just who was this devil woman? "That's it! It's time to finish this!"

"Er... Darek!" Stace nearly screamed. "We gotta go!!"

Tapping away Darek found the locking code and hit the button the lock on the door sprung open and Darek hauled the door wide open. "Let's move! GO! GO! GO!" He shouted pushing each in Stace's direction as they exited, the group looked beat up as hell, once the cell was clear he sprinted ahead to the next cell a popped the lock on the door and began screaming for them to follow the rest of the crew, Darek spotted the Commodore and stuck to him like glue. "WE'RE CLEAR! GO!"

Stace didn't waste any time, and hurried after Darek and the others. Once outside the building, amid a great deal of rather loud complaining on the part of the crusty one about how piss poor the food was and how little the 'maids' actually did, Stace slapped her combadge.

"DeVries to Harrington," the woman said, and found that her signal had not gone through. She tried twice more and still found herself greeted with silence. As the group continued to filter down the side streets into the heart of the slums, she changed tactics.

"DeVries to Runabout Phoenix, initiate automated recovery protocols," the woman said. This time she was greeted by the automated voice responding in the affirmative. The Marine halted the group and within seconds, the team slowly but surely dematerialized. Before long, it was just Stace and Nathan standing in the street.

"Just couldn't keep your shirt on, could you?" the woman teased him.

"Figured I'd look good for my rescue. Worked back in Kirk's day... figured I'd test it out," the Commodore shrugged.

"Trust me... he did it better..." Stace managed to get out before they were spirited away by the runabout.


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