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What, I don't know... but I know I don't like it

Posted on Wed Jul 13th, 2011 @ 1:06pm by Captain Nathan Cowell MD & Lieutenant Commander Aral Aix

Mission: Too Close for Comfort...
Location: Ready Room, Bridge, U.S.S. Arizona
Timeline: Following 'MARDET Meeting'

Aral had been summoned to the Commodore's Ready Room; as he approached the door, once again, it was with some apprehension. He had escaped his headache; a leisurely breakfast, further sonic shower, a shave and an hour in the gym had done wonders for him. Aral actually felt good. He wore an immaculate duty uniform and fancied that he cut a fairly dashing figure as he strode confidently across the bridge. Although he was officially on light duties, he was glad to be back in uniform after the prison clothes.

Aral pressed the door chime and waited. At that point he looked out across the bridge, observing a room full of officers he was yet to meet properly. Although neither was the Colonel or Mr Halsey who had, no doubt, saved his life.

"Come!" the Commodore bellowed, to which the Ready Room doors instantly reacted. The Science Officer found the old man sitting behind his desk, a PADD clutched in his hands and a frown squarely on his face.

"Sit down, Spots," the old man demanded.

Aral took a chair before the old man's desk and vividly recalled the last conversation they had shared in this room, he had not enjoyed it. "You wished to see me sir."

"Yes..." the Commodore said, setting the PADD down, "I wanted to see where your head's at after everything... So where's your head at?"

"My head's fine sir." Aral replied neutrally. "Well, as well as can be expected given what we went through." Truth be told, he had spent much of the last day or so wallowing in dark memories and had only started to extract himself the evening before.

"Good... then you're ready to tackle the work waiting for you," Nathan said, tossing him a PADD.

Aral regarded the PADD and smiled. "Second Officer." He was surprised, having supposed that command - even in this limited form - was something that would always be beyond his reach. Fighting down the temptation to query the Commodore's decision he simply replied, "It would a pleasure sir... but what about the Colonel?"

"She's moving up," the old man replied bluntly, "She'll be First Officer from now on, already made the arrangements. Now get after all that paperwork I don't want to do anymore, there, Spots."

Aral scrolled down the PADD and discovered a number of routine administrative duties the Commodore had delegated him. He struggled to believe the fierce Marine Officer who had bust him and the others out of jail had done anything on the list. "Is there anything you want to draw my attention to specifically in this list sir?"

"No, just make that list disappear," Nathan said casually, "I'm just tired of having to do everything myself, and with Science being a rather... lean department, I figured you had plenty of free time between sleeping with members of my crew to get it done."

Aral blinked once, slowly, refusing to rise to either of the Commodore's jibes. There were a number of research projects he had intentions of beginning, however neither Lieutenant Mekar nor he he had yet to seriously set about running the department given their abrupt departure on the away mission. "Will there be anything else sir?"

"No, that's about the size of it. Welcome to Command, Mister Aix," the Commodore said dismissively.

"I have a question if I may sir." Aix began, pushing what felt like an advantage in his court, the Commodore gestured that he should continue speaking. "Why would Section 31 do that, to the Archadians and frame us?"

"I'm not sure..." Nathan confessed, "But it can't be good regardless of why. This is our foothold here... and for all we know, they might be trying to pave the way for something... What, I don't know... but I know I don't like it."

Aral nodded, believing the Commodore as he professed ignorance. The thought that there was a Federation organization with carte blanche out there working, ruthlessly, towards a set of goals that were to all intents and purposes ineffable was a daunting one. And it worried Aral that he, and his shipmates, had found themselves on the agenda of this agency. Realizing that the meeting had come to an end, Aral stood up and excused himself.


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