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Explanations... Sorta?

Posted on Fri Jul 15th, 2011 @ 3:53pm by Lieutenant Xylia Lischka & 1st Lieutenant Lukas DeVries

Mission: Too Close for Comfort...
Location: Intelligence Offices
Timeline: Following 'What's My Name Again'

After checking in on Xishaal, Xylia found herself wandering around the ship. She wasn't with it enough to know where she was going, so it surprised her when she ended up standing outside the Intelligence offices. Had she ever been to this particular department before? Not likely. There was really no need for it, but she was here now. Might as well go in and see where the brains hung out.

Stepping inside, she looked around slowly, trying to take in everything she was seeing. This place was... weird to her, and that was only because she didn't quite understand it. She didn't have to. It wasn't her department. Her department was all about kicking ass and taking names when the need arose, as well as providing bodyguards when important people were around. All things she took seriously.

She went to move forward, but halted when she spotted movement out the corner of her eye. Turning her attention that way, she couldn't help but smile. "Well, hey there. Long time no see."

"Hey..." Lukas S. DeVries greeted with a small smile of his own. "I see you made it back in one piece. How'd it go down there?" he questioned as he moved himself away from the console he was pretending to be busy with. Considering he was the only one currently in the room it gave them an air of privacy that he appreciated.

"Let's just say I would have preferred to have tea and crumpets with the Borg. Being on that side of a cell caused me to lose my mind momentarily. That, the state Lieutenant Idrani came back in and the fact we came back minus one." Lischka sighed. "It annoys me that I really don't know what's going on. I know the Ministry was blown up and we got the blame for it, but aside from that, I'm clueless. I don't know if anyone really knows what's going on."

Lukas nodded slowly as he took her words in - fighting within himself whether or not to go out on a limb. Sure they had spent a few drunken moments together but there was a serious lacking in the 'let me spill you my guts' department. Still, he felt strangely at ease around her. "It's kinda my fault... I guess..."

Xylia settled down on one of the many vacant chairs and gave Lukas her attention. Her interest was definitely piqued right now. "How could all of this possibly be your fault, Lukas? One person couldn't cause all of this chaos."

"My mother warned me not to join the section... I should have listened," he admitted sadly. "So much could have been avoided."

"Lukas... what are you talking about?" She was more worried for the man sitting before her than she was curious about where this conversation was going to lead. Seeing him in such a state... it wasn't normal. He was the son of DeVries. She half expected them to all be hardasses, but he was definitely the exception to that rule. "You can talk to me. I mean... we are supposed to be getting married and all."

"Yeah... about that," he mumbled as he shook his head. "At any rate, the point still remains... my involvement in the section led the Arizona to this point. A lot of lives could have been saved if I had not come here. But I suppose I shouldn't dwell on the past."

"You supposed right. You shouldn't dwell on it. I'm not even going to pretend to know a lot about the section, but it's my understanding they do what they want... when they want... and how they want it. Believe it or not, I still think they would have pulled their shit even if you weren't here." The woman said. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Poor guy. Blaming himself for something that was obviously not his fault.

He nodded in agreement as he climbed to his feet and moved in the direction of the replicator. "Drink?" he inquired as he rubbed his temples slowly. "And you're right... the section would have blown that building up all the same... they're quite determined to raise all the hell they can."

"Something strong." She watched him move over to the replicator and leaned back. "I had no clue what was even going on over there aside from the explosion. I didn't know Section 31 was actually behind it until now. Do you think they're coming after you?"

The marine thought about it for a second before shaking his head no. "Nah... aside from me knowing a bit about their plans I'm really rather worthless to them. To be honest I think that hurts my ego a little," he smirked as he removed the beverages from the replicator and walked back across the room. "I think they're just so desperate to get the attention they want they're willing to risk damn near everything to get it."

Xylia took her drink from him, but for now, she just held it in her hand and fiddled with the rim of the glass. She took in what he was saying, picking apart every word and storing it to memory. "Of that, I have no doubt. We lost Harrington, and I seriously doubt we're ever going to get him back." She didn't add the last part. Alive. The memories of all the crew they lost over the last weeks still fresh in her mind. "Try not to let it bruise your ego too much, Blue Eyes. The stories I've heard, and you basically confirmed it, they would use you, abuse you, then throw you away as long as it served their purpose. Your Mom lost you once, and I think if it happened again, it would kill her."

"Sometimes I wonder if that wouldn't be the best for her in the long run," he continued with a far off look. "She's changed... is changing... I don't know. I hardly recognize her these days. Don't get me wrong... the best part of her is still intact... but I learned things recently that I never knew... things about her that surprised me. Perhaps if her son wasn't so incredibly stupid it wouldn't have happened." He paused as he took a long drink of the mug he held. "But enough about me... tell me what you've been up to."

"Never... ever... say anything like that again, Lukas. Ever. You're her son, and it would kill her if she had to lose you a second time. I don't care how hard she comes across, she's always going to do whatever she can for her children. Period. As for changing... Starfleet has a tendency of doing that. Just earlier today while I was locked away in that cell... I pictured myself squeezing the necks of our guards until I felt their windpipes give way. I swear I felt it beneath my fingers." She brought her own mug to her lips and took a drink from it. "I wanted to kill them. Tear them apart. That's not normal. I thought about being put on some happy pills, but I'm not sure they would do much for me."

Lukas smiled a bit at her anger. "It is normal... that's the problem. It shouldn't be. Ever. But it is. You just have to find ways to buffer it. To deflect it from your mind. It's a bitch I'll tell you that much."

"I suppose you're right about that, but it's trying to find ways to deflect it that's going to be the issue." She retorted, taking another drink.

Finishing his beverage and moving to return the cup back to where it belonged, Lukas felt himself nod again. "Indeed... but I'm sure you're more than capable of finding extracurricular activities." Taking a second to glance around the office once more, the man felt a small headache beginning to take over. "Though I suppose the impending battle will help on all fronts. Ass kicking is your specialty, right?"

Xylia finished off her own drink and followed behind him, returning her own cup as well. "I suppose you could say that. There's nothing like a little ass kicking to bring a smile to my face." She smoothed her hands over the front of her. Civilian clothes. She felt odd having them on while on board the ship, but she was going to take complete advantage until the Commodore told her otherwise. "I'm going to let you get back to what you were doing. I hope you feel a little better."

"Thanks... I hope so too. In the meantime... this is where I'll be if you come across anything that might be worthwhile to my little investigation into the 'why is everyone trying to kill us' case," Lukas smiled playfully.

"If I find out anything, I'll definitely let you know." Xylia said, wrapping her arms around him in the form of a warm, friendly hug. "Keep your chin up, Blue Eyes. Things always have a way of working out." She gave his shoulder a pat and smiled, then turned on her heel and made her way back out.


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