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Helping Hands pt 01

Posted on Thu Jul 14th, 2011 @ 3:54am by Lieutenant Torrna Maliya MD & Lieutenant Xishaal Idrani

Mission: Too Close for Comfort...
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: following 'Aftermath; Damage Control'


Sickbay finally got the call. The Away Team was fast incoming, with one critical injury, namely one Lieutenant Xishaal Idrani. From the information fed from the shuttle, it looked likely that the Lieutenant might need surgery, but a proper assessment would be made once she was brought into Sickbay.

~Time to test the Kid~ Maliya thought as she gave instructions to the nurses.

"Torrna to Callai. Report to Sickbay, please. We have incoming injured with the Away Team, reporting heavy trauma. Torrna out." she opened and closed the commline fast before he had any chance to reply.

He didn't need to reply, her instruction was clear and to the point. They had work to do, on the double.

Consciousnes came a few moments after awareness, the last thing she remembered was slipping back in and out of consciousness while in that prison cell on Archadia. She remembered running, lots of running and falling, as she tried to escape her being captured. Flashes of her discharging her phaser on the highest setting, killing two maybe three of the Archadian guardsman before it was lost. Her antennae quivered as lancing arcs of electricity expolded into her frontal lobe, only to subside as quickly as they had started. Xishaal became suddenly aware that she was no longer on Archadia, remembered that she wasn't even on the Phoenix either. Her eyse still closed, she felt as if she was floating along, weightless, voices came in and out fo clarity as she tried to make sense of what was happening to her.

She could tell that there were a number of humnaniods standing near her, some of theme human and thankfully none of them Archadian. The background noises and ambient temprature told her that she was most likely in or nearing sick bay. both of her arms were imobilized and covered in braces as were her lower back and neck. The warm soothing feeling of pain supressors began to seethe into her mind once again and she allowed herself to drift of into subconsciousness again.

Torrna motioned to Callai to join her, and motioned for the med techs to lift Idrani onto Bio Bed 1. They needed to get a proper reading on her before taking proper action.

"Alright, Lieutenant, if you can hear me, I am Doctor Torrna and this is Doctor Callai. We are going to take care of you. Just relax and you'll be feeling better in no time." she said to the Andorian, just then noticing she was fully unconscious.

She extended the scanning arch over Idrani and initiated it.

"Alright, Doctor Callai, what do we have?" she asked the young Betazoid.

The two discussed their case for a good twenty minutes, trying to decide on the best course of action given Idranis complex internal structure which was quite different than your regular Andorian, which also meant that they didn't have much on her on records, so they were pretty much flying blind. But if anyone could do it was these two. After finally setting on a course of action, Xishaal was wheeled into the prep area where she was prepared for surgery, performed by Torrna with Callai assisting.

===8 hours later, Recovery Ward===

The surgery had been long and exhausting, roughly five hours. It wasn't a difficult one per sae, but there were so many things to fix it was a minor miracle this woman pulled through as she did. Her physiology was quite intriguing, and Torrna was interested in knowing more when Idrani was up for talking about it. Naturally the question was would she ever be up for talking about it.

Now, Torrna was by Idrani's bedside, checking on the wall pannel which displayed the woman's various vitals. The pannel whirred and beeped quietly, so as not to disturb the battered patient. Torrna enjoyed the recovery ward silences, they were soothing.

The sounds of her immediate surroundings suddenly came into clarity as one of the Andorians antennae slowly extended from her head. Strangely, the other one remained retracted for a few moments as if waiting for some signal from the other one to fully extend itself. Xishaal, slowly opened her eyes and was surprised by the new face standing before her.

She became more acutely aware of some of her injuries as the room came into focus; neck brace, her tongue felt swollen, sharp pains in her frontal lobe more akin to a migraine and numerous other aches and pains that were too numerous to identify them all.

"...Who arwe woo?" she managed to say to the female medical officer

Maliya looked down at the Andorian and offered a smile, "Good morning, sleeping beauty. I'm Doctor Torrna, your physician. You're back on the Arizona, on the recovery ward." she said, "You've had surgery so please try not to move. I'm going to give you a sedative now because you'll be feeling some pain."

The Bajoran reached over to the instrument tray and fished out a hypospray and adjusted the dosage and pressed it gently into the Andorian's shoulder.

"That feel better?" she asked as she checked Idrani's vitals again.

Her eyes suddenly crossed, then closed for a moment as a soothing wave of numbness washed over her "....ooohh..much bedder.." she replied. "..but would you please reduuce the consentrayshun of sed-dative? A little pain is better to none.." Xishaal roller her eyes at not being able to form words completely, moving her jaw around to discover how she could communicate and not sound like she had a developmental defficency.

"Pleasurre to meet you Doctor Torrna, How long have you been on board?" she finally managed to say.

Maliya chuckled, "Sure...I don't hear that often...someone wanting to lessen the dose of painkillers." she murmured as she turned down the dosage. "I've been here oh...roughly a shift and a half. Arrived just a little after you lot left. I have to say, you surprised more ways than one, Ms Idrani."

"Welcome aboard then Doctor! A word of advise! If you haven't met Doctor Cowell, don't waste his time! He's forgotten more than any of us have ever learned and doesn't want to waste time with needless conversation. Get in and get out!" Xishaal advised "...What surpised you about me Doctor?"

Maliya pulled up a chair and sat next to Idrani's bed. "Your physiology. With the extent of damage on you, were you a normal Andorian, you'd be dead. You're quite lucky. Barely knew what to make of you to be honest...but you're a fighter, you made it."

"hmpf, I don't remember much of how I got here, I am fortunate to have been in you care. I have much to tell you and at present, not enough energy to tell it. but first a little back story..."

Xishaal relates to the doctor about her life before Starfleet, before being inducted into the Imperial Guard and of the special circumstances surrounding her birth.

Pausing, she feels exasperated and asks to continue the conversation at a later point. The earlier dose of sedatives begin to take effect and as her antennae droop and retract she drifts off to sleep once more.



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