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Incoming Overwatch...

Posted on Tue Jul 19th, 2011 @ 12:39pm by Captain Nathan Cowell MD & Vice Admiral Cabot Shaw

Mission: Too Close for Comfort...
Location: Commodore's Ready Room, Bridge, USS Arizona
Timeline: Following 'After Action Report'

Commodore Nathan Cowell, finally liberated from the toil of manipulating his manifest to fit the needs of the ship, sat comfortably in his Ready Room. His feet were firmly planted on the surface of his desk while he held aloft a dog eared book that he'd pulled of his small bookshelf. Like so many things in life, Nathan had read the book countless times, could likely recite it word for word if asked to. But the fact remained that he enjoyed the activity, it gave him a sense of nostalgia that was often lacking in the age of LCARS and PADDs. Turning a page was much more exciting than scrolling down, gave a man a sense that he was doing something with himself rather than just letting some computer do it for him. It was the simple things...

"Captain," a female voice called over the comm shattering the ready room, "We have an incoming transmission from Starbase 375 relayed via the Union Gateway, it's Vice Admiral Cabot Shaw."

Nathan let out a sigh and pulled his feet reluctantly from his desktop, "Patch him through, kiddo." As he straightened up and made himself half presentable as the screen imbedded in his desk rose up to display the incoming transmission.

"Admiral," Nathan said with a slight nod.

"Captain Cowell," Shaw said curtly, returning the older man's nod. "I'm not one to waste time, so I'll get right down to it. Command has gone over your mission report on Archadia and we have some... concerns."

"You're not the only one," the Commodore said, ignoring the fact that the man had used a position title rather than rank, "I've been racking my brain trying to figure out how they set it all up as expertly as they did... But I suppose I'm just not as laterally minded as the average youngin' these days."

"There have been a lot of people who have been racking theirs as well, and it's been decided that there just needs to be a little first hand information gathering on the subject," Shaw said. "As such, I've cut orders for Commander William Harmon to be detached from my staff and assigned aboard the Arizona as your strategic operations officer. Now, before you object," he continued, holding up a hand to curtail any protests, "He's not being sent just to spy on you. You've been the exec of 38 for a while now and Harmon can help you coordinate with the Task Force. It's what strat ops is for, and honestly we should have gotten someone for you before now. Never mind the fact he's a good officer, I'm also betting that both you and I would prefer a man we can trust as opposed to some bureaucrat from Internal Affairs looking to make his career at the expense of yours."

Nathan rolled the idea presented to him with equal parts skepticism and displeasure. Having anyone from the administrative side of the house, regardless of reputation or caliber, filling a slot for no other reason than to keep an eye on things was something Nathan was just instinctively opposed to. On the other hand, their mission to Archadia hadn't painted them in the most favorable of colors with anyone who did little more than sit behind a desk and read an emotionless and perspective devoid report of an incident that occurred far beyond the reader's frame of reference or sight.

"All finality aside, Admiral, I just want you to know I'm suffering this under protest. Mainly on the principle of the thing. I've been out here in deep space for the better part of a century in one capacity or another... ignore the fact that I was at Starfleet Medical for a few decades if you would... and I don't fancy myself someone that needs a babysitter. Now, if you're going to vouch for the fact that he isn't going to come on my boat and make every effort to subvert my authority like those IA toadies are so fond of doing... I'll live with it. Maybe if the upper echelons out in the Alpha hear about some of this crap first hand from someone they label credible, I won't end up the heel again," the Commodore said in a rather docile protest... for Nathan.

A brief pause began and ended just as suddenly, "But, if you say it's all been signed and sealed, I'll make the best of it and put your man to work. Hopefully he'll work out better than that Castillo guy. Not that I care overly much why he transferred off, but I hope you people don't try to give him another command any time soon, man doesn't know how to interact with people..."

"Don't worry, I have the proper assignment picked out for Captain Castillo. And as you say, the commander has been signed and sealed. This might not be your choice, but I think Harm will acquit himself well," Shaw responded. "The Commander was already aboard Starbase 900 having finished up some other business on behalf of my office and so I've ordered him to report aboard the Arizona as soon as possible. You'll keep me apprised?"

"Sure, Admiral... I can do that for you. Hopefully we can convince the upper crust we can handle things in short order and you can have your man back. I promise we'll feed and water him until we ship him home to you," Nathan replied, adding his patented levity just for good measure.

"Excellent," Shaw concluded. "I'll let you get back to your work then, good luck." Shaw's image winked out and was replaced on the screen by the crest of the Federation.

Nathan grumbled to himself at the notion of the impending arrival of the babysitter the powers that be had ordained to infiltrate his happy little existence. He was understandably perturbed but he couldn't easily push away the logic and thought that Adm. Shaw had put into his choice of personnel. At least he hadn't been saddled with someone that was effectively useless for anything other than getting underfoot.

"Computer, locate Commander Harmon," Nathan demanded in a huff.

The computer chirped and warbled a moment before reporting, "Lieutenant Commander Harmon is in turboshaft one, destination registered as the bridge."

"Convenient," the old man muttered with no sparing of ire in his voice. Who would know anyway, it was just him in his Ready Room.


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