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Meeting the new Counselor

Posted on Tue Jul 19th, 2011 @ 10:49am by Lieutenant JG Reittan Ral & Captain Nathan Cowell MD

Mission: Tomorrow's Arizona
Location: The Bridge
Timeline: Following 'The Great Unknown...'

Lt. Reittan Ral had come aboard while the Arizona was at Starbase 900. During his brief time aboard the Arizona, he had managed to find his way around the ship and finally end up in his cabin and also, his office, to get things settled before meeting with his new commanding officer. All he knew of his new CO was that he was an El-Aurian and had lived through several wars and was a very knowledgeable person. After getting things settled, he headed to the bridge to meet his new CO. He headed out to the nearest turbolift and said Bridge and it quickly whisked him to the bridge. When the turbolift finally came to a stop, he exited onto the Bridge where he saw a gray haired man sitting in the center seat and he walked up to him and gave his introduction.

Ral said, looking the Commodore in the eyes, "Lt. Reittan Ral, Ship's Counselor reporting for duty, sir. Here are my transfer orders from the Budapest Commodore." He then proceeded to hand Commodore Cowell the transfer orders that were on the PADD he had in his hands.

Nathan took the PADD from the man's hands and gave them the most cursory of glances, "Shrink, eh? Known a few of them, seen a few come and go from the boat here. Think you got any more staying power than they did?"

Reittan looked at the Commodore and said, "As long as you guys will have me, I have the staying power. Never been a Counselor on a Prometheus-Class starship before. Should prove... quite interesting to say the least sir, especially with such a fine crew as this one sir." Reittan gave a small smile after he said that and the Commodore was looking over his transfer orders. While Commodore Cowell was looking over the orders, Reit decided to take a quick look around the bridge to get a better look at where he would be working and living and he turned back around just in time to see that Commodore Cowell had finished looking over the orders.

Nathan tossed the PADD back at the Counselor, then drummed his fingers against his chair for a moment, "The class of the ship doesn't mean much, people have the same problems on a garbage scowl that they do here. We just happen to have a lot more baggage thanks to a few run-ins with some nasty bastards. You have your work cut out for you."

Reittan grabbed the PADD as it was tossed back to him and said, "Well, being in deep space can have its effects on people and plus, sir, it's not everyone gets to explore the Delta Quadrant. But, since I have my work cut out for me, then I should probably get to it. Permission to get to my duties sir?"

"Get after it son," the Commodore remarked casually, "I'm sure you'll have people knocking your door out of the frame in no time. Good luck to you..."

What the man didn't say aloud, though his tone suggested it was a logical follow-up, 'You'll need it...' The Commodore returned his attention to the forward display and settled back in to watch the plasma storms swirling around just outside of his vessel's hull.

With that, Reittan nodded and said, "Thank you sir." Then, he turned and headed onto the Turbolift, where he headed down to sickbay really quick to get his phyiscal done and attend to his duties. During the ride on the Turbolift, he sat and wondered a little bit about what the Commodore said and thought about his duties to come.


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