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Old and New Acquaintances

Posted on Wed Jul 20th, 2011 @ 9:59pm by Ensign Andrexi Callai MD & Lieutenant JG Reittan Ral

Mission: Tomorrow's Arizona
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: After 'A time for a Physical'

Lt. Reittan Ral had just gotten his physical done and was walking out of sickbay when he accidently ran into a young man with gray eyes and they both fell to the ground really quick. Ral got up and started helping the guy he ran into, as he said, "I'm so sorry about that, I didn't quite mean to run into you like that. Just a little deep in thought today and everything."

Andrexi Callai shook his head as he squatted, picking up the stack of padds he'd dropped in the collision. "My fault," he said quickly. "I wasn't paying atten--" He paused, his expression changing suddenly. He looked up at the man with whom he'd collided. "You're Betazoid." His face registered surprise. He wasn't aware there was another aboard.

Ral shook his head, giving a little laugh, saying, "Yeah, good old Betazoid here, telepathy included. My name's Reittan Ral, but everyone either calls me Ral or Reit. What's your name?" As he said that, he kept helping the guy with the gray eyes pick up all the PADDs and things that he had been carrying back to sickbay.

"Andrexi Callai." Andy nodded toward Sickbay. "I'm one of the new doctors." He squatted and picked up the final two padds. "I didn't realize there was another Betazoid aboard."

Reit walked into Sickbay with him, carrying some of the dropped PADDs and he said, "Yeah, I just came aboard when the ship docked at Starbase 900. And another Betazoid? You're Betazoid?" Then, he thought for a minute before saying, "Wait, Callai, as in 'Gray eyes'?"

Andy glanced back at him as he set his equipment down on a table. "That's right," he said with a nod. He paused as he studied the man. "Who's your grandmother?"

Reit gave a quizzical look before saying, "Kestra Genestra. She was the Matarich of the family before she passed away around the time of the Occupation of Betazed in 2374. Why do you ask?"

"Genestra?" Andy looked surprised. "Second house?" He'd known Kestra Genestra, had known her family from the various state functions his mother had attended with her children. He paused, regarding him closely. "Wait, Ral? You're Shannara's son?"

Reit smiled gently and said, "Yeah. You must remember my mother from all the state functions she started going to after she came back to Betazed. She wasn't able to do so as much when she was in Starfleet, but she did a lot more when she came back."

"Azara Callai was my grandmother," the young doctor said in amazement. He studied the older man carefully. "I... don't remember if we..." He paused, his eyebrows knitting together in thought. "Wait, did you attend functions as a cadet? Wearing the...?" He gestured toward his own uniform.

"Yeah, sometimes, whenever the academy would let me get away. My mom wanted me to come to them whenever I could and everything" Then, he smiled a little more and went over to the younger guy and studied the man's eyes and he said, "I think I remember hearing about your family's eyes. I've always liked them myself. This is one of the only times I've gotten to see them up close." Then, he took a step back after taking a look into his eyes and smiled a little more.

Andy smiled back. "Thank you." His eyes were always the first thing people noticed about him -- and the notice was always positive and even flattering -- but Andy had still never quite grown accustomed to the attention or discovered a way to accept the interest without his face flushing slightly reflexively. He had been the youngest of his family and had never gotten used to the attention his siblings had received. He gestured toward his eyes. "You're welcome to look anytime."

Reit smiled and looked a little longer before realizing how long he had been looking before saying, "They're really nice looking Andy, you've got something special. Mine are just the average, run of the crop black one." He then pointed to his before giving a slight little laugh. Then, he said, "Just got focused telepathic and empathic abilites."

Andy snorted, chuckling to himself as he shook his head and returned his attention to sorting the padds on the table. His face flushed slightly further. "There's nothing wrong with your eyes," he said simply. "I always liked how... deep... the black-eyed look. And as for your focus," he puffed out an annoyed sigh, "I only wish."

Reit smiled as he chuckled a little bit himself. He walked over to the table and started helping Andy sorting his PADDs really quick, as he said, "But, your eyes almost have a reflexive property to them and it gives them a beautiful quality." He stopped sorting the PADDs for a minute, saying "As for the focus, I can help you with it and everything. It might take a little time, but you can do it."

The young doctor turned to him in surprise. "Really?" Then his expression changed slightly and he shook his head, realization suddenly settling in. "You're the counselor, aren't you?"

Reit said, "Yeah, I am a counselor. I just transfered to the Arizona as the Chief Counselor aboard the Arizona. Why do you ask?" As he asked that, he gave a little smile, alongside cocking his head a little bit.

"Just... a guess," Andy said, nodding in satisfaction at his own deduction. He glanced over his shoulder at a pair of medical techs moving a cart close behind them. he projected telepathically of the traditional training young Betazoids typically completed as their telepathic and empathic abilities began to emerge. In Andrexi's case, his emergence had come about explosively as a result of high stresses in the middle of a war and enemy occupation, at a time when friends and family were hard to come by. The fact that he had maintained his composure as well as he had while suddenly being bombarded by so many strange, loud voices in his head, spoke volumes of the help he'd received from those strangers who had taken him after he was injured and lost.

Reit looked over his shoulders at the same Medical Techs and then projected, Reit took a moment to take in the emotions of the younger Betazoid and to open up his. After a moment, he could see a young boy and it peaked his curiosity and said, telepathically,
Andy glanced over at him, caught off guard by the question. The flush returned to his face as he nodded once subtly. The radiant grey eyes in the mental image were unmistakably Andy's, from a time before he had reached adolescence; they were as striking a feature on the boy as they were the young man.

Reit gave a little smile and projected,

The doctor chuckled quietly to himself. he shook his head in amusement.

The Counselor chuckled alongside his collegue. He then looked over his collegue and smiled.

Andy paused, the flush which had been fading returning to his cheeks again. he projected to him with a small smile and a nod in his direction.

Reit started to get a little flush in his face as well.

"So when can we start?" Andy asked aloud. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the medical techs turn toward them, startled at the sudden voice starting at mid-conversation.

"How about tomorrow, holodeck 3, when you have an hour free." He said, seeing the same techs and gave a little bit of a laugh.

"I'll be there," Andy said with a nod and a broad smile.

Then, with that, Counselor Ral smiled and said, "Alright then, I'll see you tomorrow. Well, I better head off to my duty shift, so see you tomorrow."


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