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No Particular Place to Go

Posted on Wed Jul 20th, 2011 @ 4:55pm by Captain Nathan Cowell MD & Lieutenant Colonel Anastasia DeVries

Mission: Tomorrow's Arizona
Location: Bridge, USS Arizona
Timeline: Following 'The Great Unknown...'

Commodore Nathan Cowell had spent a good percentage of the morning after visiting with Aix going back and forth between his Ready Room and the Bridge proper, mostly out of boredom. On his last trip, after a rather lovely conference with his personal lavatory, Nathan flopped down and turned to his First Officer, who had finally graced the Bridge with her presence.

"So your friend Spots came up with a weird way to pass the time," Nathan began.

Stace raised a brow in suspicion. "Who's got spots? Is this some new type of VD going around?"

"Not that I know of, unless Aix has some new VD I don't know about..." Nathan said in a contemplative manner.

The marine considered this development as a small smile began to cross her face. Their discussion of 'rears' earlier adding a bit of further amusement. "Nevertheless... what 'weird' way were we talking about?"

"Something about hurling ourselves into that plasma storm riddled nebula and going on a hunt for Iconians. Some gibberish about the Tornado finding ruins or some crap out here and he's convinced he's found more. All in the name of science and that jazz..." the Commodore recounted his earlier conversation.

Stace felt her blood pressure beginning to rise as she rubbed her palm across her forehead. "Iconians eh? Well... I suppose... to appease science... and stuff."

"That's pretty much my attitude... It's not like we've got an assignment anyway..." Nathan sighed, "Hopefully it will be interesting."

"Something tells me this ship could make anything interesting," she retorted before glancing around the bridge. "Any other developments happen recently?"

"Got a Strat Ops guy... replaced Castillo. You even really remember him? Guess he got a desk jockey job or something," the Commodore commented, "Can't say I agree with the reason they sent him, but at least he isn't Internal Affairs..."

She scoffed at the mere notion of 'internal affairs' as she took a seat nearby the old man. "Castillo... sounds familiar... but I suppose he didn't do enough to impress me if that's all I can recall. Hopefully the new guy does just that. So... Iconian hunting it is I guess."

"Yep, that's what Spots was on about down in Astrometrics. Something about the plasma storms letting up in a section of the Nebula wall that he's convinced will get us to some part of space that the Tornado went to or got wind of... I forget which. All I know is, his dick was harder than ablative armor to go right out there and check shit out. Who am I to burst his little fuck muscle?" Nathan mused with a smirk.

Adjusting herself in her seat, Stace couldn't help but smirk at the thought of such a muscle. "Well, I suppose I should see to a few things before we depart eh?"

"Whatever you want to do, kiddo. Not like we're dodging bullets or torpedoes or any of that crap. Probably won't need you here until we get to wherever it is that freckled freak is dragging us all off to as it is. Enjoy yourself..." Nathan chuckled.

"Oh, I will," the woman smirked before abandoning her chair for the turbolift behind them.


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