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Initial Findings

Posted on Mon Jan 24th, 2011 @ 6:13pm by Captain Nathan Cowell MD & Rear Admiral Aves Mooren

Mission: Hippocratic Hijacking
Location: Captain's Ready Room, USS Arizona
Timeline: BACKPOST: Just after 'Debriefing'

With Commander Mantell otherwise occupied, Captain Cowell decided it was time to 'phone home' and give his new boss the quick run down of what they'd found. He brought up the communication console and routed a transmission to Deep Space 6, where the Admiral was supposedly running her operations out of. A few hops from console to console to get where he wanted his transmission to go and he was finally 'face-to-face' with his Efrosian commander.

"Admiral, you asked me to call you when we found something..." Nathan began, stating the obvious, "Well I found something."

"Well I would love to hear it now instead of later, Captain. Shoot," she said sarcastically.

"Oh, well you didn't specify that last time..." Nathan muttered, "Well, in that case, we found the transport that was supposed to deliver the cargo to the colony. We found her drifting not far from the outer edge of the Braken system. The North Star crew took some losses, and the cargo was stolen. One of their crewmen, who I just finished speaking with has outlined all the drugs they were hauling and I can't say this list makes me overly happy. Among the more colorful items is bio-mimetic gel, which if you know anything about medicine will make you soil yourself given that it is now in the hands of pirates. That's about all we know, the list of what we don't know is even longer..."

Aves contemplated for a moment, resisting the temptation to widen her eyes in shock and anger and controlling her appearance. She needed to be calm, or at least to seem it.

"I want a list of everything on their manifest sent to me as soon as possible. Tell their Captain he will be well compensated if he gives us the list of items that we don't yet know. We need to know everything about this ship: its cargo, its crew, its make. Something was significant about this vessel, and if we can determine what that is, it can help us get into the mind of those behind this attack and predict their motives." She nodded, almost seeming to agree with herself before she shook her head lightly and directed her focus back at the screen.

"Pursue your investigation by any means necessary. Attacks on freighters within Federation space do not go unanswered. You have the means, Captain. I'll keep the brass off your back. Any questions?"

"No, I think that sums it up for now. I'll check in later, once I know something that isn't just conjecture. Cowell out," Nathan said before terminating the link. He sat back for a moment and sighed. Just how far was this investigation going to take them?


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