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Once More for the Camera, If You Please

Posted on Mon Jan 24th, 2011 @ 3:01pm by Darek Halsey & S'anra

Mission: Hippocratic Hijacking
Location: USS Arizona, Guest Quarters
Timeline: Backpost - Follow 'Digging'

Darek leaned up against the wall of the turbolift, his duty jacket hanging open; his eyes half closed the hum and vibration of the lift putting him to sleep. The constant entrance and exit of crew was the only saving grace that kept him from actually nodding off inside of the lift, his body barely registering that the lift had come to a stop again, until a young crew woman shook him awake.

"Sir, here's your deck."

"Uh, yea.. Thanks..." He said with a half asleep smile, and hurried out of the lift for his quarters. It was a rather quick walk to his quarters, stopping at his door he raised his hand to input the unlock code but paused seeing an armed Security Officer standing outside of one of the guest quarters. He turned and looked at the MP, "Chief who you got under lock and key?"

"Just the lady they brought back from the North Star, and no lock or key." He replied half bored and asleep.

"Mind if I step in side and have a chat with the lady?" Darek inquired as he undid the leather belt that held his magnum, redoing the buckle and throwing it over his shoulder.

"Not at all Sir," The chief said stepped to the side of the door. Nodding Darek rasied his hand and rapped on the door. "Ma'am may I enter?" He called out.

"Yes," S'anra replied at the voice coming from, presumably, the other side of the door. S'anra was staring out the window of her guest quarters. It was a far better view than afforded on most vessels, especially the few Romulan ones she had been on over the years. Not to mention the fact that the guest quarters she was in, was larger than any place she had previously stayed.

Darek pressed the open button with one knuckle while his other hand began doing up his jacket, no sense in looking like a slob. Stepping through the door he took a few steps forward to all the door to close and then went into an at ease position. "How are you ma'am?" He inquired, trying to remember if she was one of the injured crew or was fortunate enough not to have been injured. "My name is Lieutenant Commander Darek Halsey, the Chief of Intelligence on this boat."

Chief of Intelligence, she thought, this should be interesting. "Well enough. What can I do for you, Mr. Halsey?" S'anra asked, turning from the windows. Her body ached with each movement, but she didn't allow herself to show it.

"Just thought I'd drop in and see how you are, and ask you a few questions if I may." He replied setting down his belt by the door, she looked like she'd been put through a rough ride.

"With or without the mind probes?" S'anra asked, making light of her own military's more... aggressive intelligence tactics. She motioned to one of the two chairs in her room, and took a seat on the other.

"Oh no, no mind probes, I prefer the simpler touch. Just good ol' conversation. Unless you'd prefer I dig us up some mind probes and use them?" He said arching his eyebrow as he took a seat. "Firstly I know your name, but not much else.... Let's start with your past. The who, what, where, and when things." He said.

"I am a scientist who works off of freelance contracts," S'anra replied simply, "I have done so in the general area for several years. Alone." She was somewhat proud of the fact she did not require any sort of protection or backup.

Nodding slightly he looked her in the eyes, "What specialty, propulsion, computers, physics, biology, etcetera?" He inquired, "And alone, you must make a lot of people very happy as you haven't needed to worry about some form of protection or assistance."

"Biochemistry," S'anra replied, "I worked in medical research."

"Oh," Darek replied, as the gears in his head began spinning, "There area lot of things a biochemist is good for, what exactly do you do with your science?" He inquired, trying to see if this woman might be some sort of threat, in some way shape or form.

"Private consulting on medical issues or environmental concerns, quality assurance for organic substances, ensuring safe transportion of medicines, such as with this job," S'anra replied. Her jobs over the years had been quite varied, to the point that many of them tended to blend together at this point.

Hmming to himself he paused in thought, he had the feeling that the Empire wouldn't let go of someone like the lady that sat in front of him due to her talent in biochemistry, so there could really only be two options... "So Miss S'anra, how exactly did you get on this side of the line. To my knowledge either you have to have some loyalty to the Empire and are here as a spy or your an expatriate, to have ended up on our side. Which is it?"

S'anra expected such a question, her government would be equally suspicious of a human within the borders of the Empire. "I have no loyalty to the empire. I've worked for the government before, but only in a civilian capacity. Traversing the border is... not as difficult as it might seem. I have taken jobs on both sides, as well as in the area called the triangle, usually for non-aligned parties and traders," S'anra replied.

"Yes I do know how easy it is to cross." He said chuckling pointing at his collar, "Any way I can confirm, your statement?" He asked, knowing there was no way he'd even get a straight answer about it from the Romulan government.

S'anra seemed to ponder this for a moment, "I believe there are a few of my former clients I could refer you to, that could verify the time I've worked in the area. But many of my clients would be... uncomfortable receiving a message from a Starfleet ship, and I'd be hard-pressed to count on repeat business then. There are a few, however." Even the most legitimate businesspeople often relied on some measure of... discretion.

Darek laughed, "Oh, no no. I'm not that green, nor stupid... Would you mind giving me those who would not mind, so I may contact them?"

"I will gather their names and contact information, and ask someone to deliver it to you," S'anra nodded. Thankfully, PADDs were one of the things her replicator was willing to give her during her short stay aboard. That, and food.

"Thank you, very much." He said standing, "If you'll excuse me I need to get some sleep." Darek said excusing himself from the room, he stoped at the door to pick up his weapons belt; then it was across the hall to his own quarters.


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