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Things that go Bump

Posted on Thu Aug 4th, 2011 @ 8:02am by Lieutenant Jasad Broca

Mission: Tomorrow's Arizona
Location: USS Arizona Engine Room/Sickbay
Timeline: Just after The Demands of Memory

Jasad crawled out of the Jeffries' tube, missing a handhold and flopping unceremoniously onto the main engineering deck. He was covered in sweat, and blood was trickling down his cheek from a disturbingly large gash in his forehead.

"You all right, Sir," Macy asked, indicating the wound with a nod.

"Good enough for government work," he replied with a strained smile. "The EPS rupture is sealed, now. We can get the environmental systems back up on this level."

Macy wiped a sleeve over his own sweaty forehead, "I think a lot of people will be glad to hear it." He reached out to help Jasad up, and the assistant Chief nodded his thanks as he found his feet. "Maybe you ought to have that looked at, Sir."

Jasad touched his forehead, and came away with four crimson fingers. "Hmm. There's a lot left to do, and Chief Minamoto doesn't need me in a sickbay queue. A lot of people got bumps and bruises when we passed through the..." He wasn't sure what to call it. "event. Sickbay is probably running ragged with first-aid duty."

"It looks pretty bad, Sir," Macy opined.

A drop of blood fell to the deck, and Jasad frowned. "All right," he conceded, tapping his combadge and leaving a bloody imprint on the metal. "Jasad to Sickbay. I have a minor, superficial injury. When the action slows down in your department, can you give me a call or send someone to Engineering with a dermal regenerator? It's not a priority."


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