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The Cruel Joke Of The Prophets

Posted on Thu Aug 4th, 2011 @ 10:23am by Lieutenant Torrna Maliya MD & Lieutenant Jasad Broca

Mission: Tomorrow's Arizona
Location: Sickbay/Engineering
Timeline: Following 'Things That Go Bump'


A drop of blood fell to the deck, and Jasad frowned. "All right," he conceded, tapping his combadge and leaving a bloody imprint on the metal. "Jasad to Sickbay. I have a minor, superficial injury. When the action slows down in your department, can you give me a call or send someone to Engineering with a dermal regenerator? It's not a priority."

And now the continuation:

Maliya stopped short as the call came though, having JUST finished with a patient. And was the only available physician around upon inspection to go take care of Jasad Broca. The thoughts that went through her head ranged from a plethora of overly juicy curses to 'Why, Prophets? Why? Why did I have to be the one free?'

What came out was, "This is Sickbay. We're sending someone down. Sickbay out."

She caugh a curious look from Andy, but ignored it, knowing he'd either pry it out of her head or simply ask later. Maliya picked up a medikit and almost stormed out of Sickbay. Almost.

In Engineering, Jasad thought he recognized the voice that answered him. He privately doubted that assistance would be coming any time soon. "There," he said to Macy, "help is on the way." He un-slung his tool satchel and handed it to the Petty Officer, indicating the nearby monitoring station. "I'm going to run a diagnostic on the conduits, and make sure that was the last of the leaks."

Macy took the satchel with a nod and and headed off to the tool cabinet to lock it away. Jasad sat down heavily at the monitoring station, sighing before running a low-level diagnostic. As the results scrolled across the screen, his eyelids began to feel heavy. Blinking hard, he forced himself to refocus, unaware that he had dozed at the station for a handful of minutes. There were now several drops of blood on the LCARS control panels in front of him. He was also unaware that the promised help from Sickbay had just arrived.

Maliya was by now crouching beside Jasad, scanning him, "Wakey wakey, Lieutenant. No sleeping in duty..." she said as she reached out and turned his face towards her.

She had mentally tuned out and forced herself to de-Humanize him, looking at him as a patient, doing her utmost not to feel disgusted and repulsed.

"That was fast," Jasad remarked as he turned his head, eyes focusing on the figure in front of him. "Doctor," he remarked as he recognized her, "I did not imagine that you would come yourself. I thought perhaps a nurse or minor medical technician. This is hardly an injury worthy of your..." he searched for the right word "... talents." He wondered if dermal re-generators had a secret 'agonizer' setting that wasn't mentioned during basic training.

Maliya applied a sedative and an anti inflammatory agent then used the micro suture on him. Dermal regenerator would come in a moment, "I happened to draw the short straw, Lieutenant." she clipped, not looking at him.

The bloody bastard was pushing, when he should be quiet and grateful. But what more could be expected from a Cardassian? Again, she wondered why the Prophets were being so cruel.

"Well," Jasad said, his gaze lingering on the ever-alluring ridges on her adorable Bajoran nose, "It seems that your loss is my gain." A thought occurred to him as she worked. "Tell me, have you had any environmental issues in Sickbay? We lost some of the handlers on this deck, and only recently got everything working. However, it's not unusual that when environmental systems fail in one area, it can affect nearby areas. So it might get very hot. Or very cold. Depending on your nearness to major power hubs or the exterior hull. "

He considered the doctor, and decided that no matter the temperature, she was probably feeling very cold right now.

She looked at him finally, "It's getting a little cold, now that you mention it."

Jasad swallowed. "Well, it should warm up soon, now that the precipitating problem is over. It just takes a little time for the heat to bleed through the chill. I think that before long, you'll feel completely comfortable."

Maliya nodded, "I'm actually fine like this, but my staff's been complaining." she said as she used the dermal regenerator on him, again, not looking at him really.

"Well," Jasad said, "I suppose we have to set the temperature to accommodate the greatest number. But I think if you keep an open mind, you might appreciate a warmer working environment. You may even find it stimulating."

And then the atmosphere around Jasad dropped a few degrees. Maliya knew well enough how much the Cardassians loved heat. Like the snakes they were. Slithery bastards.

"No, Lieutenant. I won't. I know your kind loves heat though." she growled underbreath as she did the final scans on him, having finished with the dermal regenerator.

"Well," Jasad said, "I like to think that everyone appreciates a little warmth. But far be it from me to force your acclimation. Let me just say Thank You, Doctor, for the alacrity with which you came to help me when I was in need."

She repacked her medkit and nodded, "It's my job, Lieutenant." she said evenly and straightened up, "If you continue to feel dizzy or ill, give Sickbay a call, yeah?"

"You'll be the first to know," Jasad promised.

Once the Doctor was on her way out, Macy wandered over to where Jasad was still sitting. "The air handlers are definitely back online," he said, "it's much cooler in here, now."

Jasad nodded, watching the Doctor's backside as she left. "Yes... I definitely felt a chill."


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