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Guardian of Secrets

Posted on Thu Jul 28th, 2011 @ 2:43pm by Lieutenant Colonel Anastasia DeVries & 1st Lieutenant Lukas DeVries

Mission: Tomorrow's Arizona
Location: Various
Timeline: Following 'Ominous Awakening'

The minute the Lieutenant Colonel 'landed' back upon the transporter pad of the Arizona she knew without a single doubt that something was insanely wrong. Aside from the fact that they had been rudely interrupted on the planet below, there had been something... some glimpse of something forgottenly familiar that caused a weird sensation in her heart. Taking a quick second to make sure her away team was all accounted for and in one piece, the blonde turned her attention towards the door and bolted for it.

However, her attempts at fleeing were short lived as an alien presence soon flooded her mind - the deep monotone voice ringing his attentions quite clear to all those within his range. Stumbling, the marine flailed out at the wall in hopes of the cold smooth structure would catch her from falling yet again on her face.

It couldn't be... how could it be... the... Guardian? But no... not her Guardian... the fabled Guardian. The ghost story that she never thought could be anything other than pure fiction. How could they have known? Just what the hell was going on? How deep did their secrets truly run?

Several long seconds passed before she regained control of her faculties. Shaking the fog free from her head, the woman resumed her course towards the one place she was sure she would find the man she was looking for - intel.

The figure of Lukas S. DeVries was hard at work when the doors shooshed open to reveal the individual with whom he was having an inner quarrel with. He was surprised to see her, considering the extreme mental ass whopping the ship had just been handed but he could only assume something was amiss.

"I've been trying to figure out how the Guardian of Forever made it's way here... but no luck so far," he announced immediately as he turned to face her.

She shook her head just as quick. "It's not the Kirk Guardian... it's the Secret Guardian."

"The secret garden?" he questioned, confused. "What are you on about?"

Stace sighed. "Not secret garden... Secret Guardian! Didn't they teach you all about that during your Section 31 conspiracy lessons?"

For a moment the young man wasn't sure if she was being completely serious or not. "Um... I must have missed those classes." He scratched his head. "So... you're saying they knew about this... thing the whole time?"

"Well... not really," Stace muttered as she began to pace about. "The agency has always believed that the Guardian of Forever was not a single unique entity and that they had some sort of old relationship with the Borg. Of course... back then the Delta Quadrant wasn't very well mapped... and even now it still isn't... but... I'm beginning to suspect..."

Lukas felt his head snap up. "That this is one of the reasons they came here in the first place."

"Yes... but it seems we stumbled upon the thing first..." she continued with a frown. "I'm not quite sure what the implications will mean... so I need you to dig up anything and everything you can relating to Kirk's Guardian... the agency's rumor mills... everything. And see if Darek has anything to offer in this search why don't you."

He frowned at the mention of the name. "Halsey?"

"Yes?" Stace retorted with a look of her own. "He does possess a background in intel, remember?"

Lukas nodded and turned his gaze away from her. "I recall... it's just... I heard... well, I heard you and him are quite... friendly."

Oh. So that's what that was about. "Well... you heard correctly. However, just because the former Commander and myself enjoyed one hell of a night, does not suddenly mean he is incompetent. You're not a child anymore... I won't shelter you like one."

He felt a rush of heat wash over his face at her lecturing. If only she realized that was not his problem at all. He knew he was far from a... child. Nevertheless... "Alright," he conceded. "I'll see what I can dig up."

"Good... the sooner the better... I'm off to head off the masses. Wish me luck!"

And the Colonel was gone like the wind.


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