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More Modern Medicine

Posted on Sun Feb 6th, 2011 @ 7:30pm by S'anra & Lieutenant Kiyraesyn Valdor

Mission: Hippocratic Hijacking
Location: Arizona - Sickbay
Timeline: Backpost - After "Debriefing"

The short officer left S'anra at the entrance to sickbay, where one of the security officers who had met her in the transporter was standing guard. She stepped towards the sickbay doors, which parted for her gracefully. She looked about all of the smooth surfaces of the Starfleet medical facility. It certainly had a lot more style and finish than a Romulan facility... and most of the medical facilities she had seen in the neutral zone looked like torture chambers compared to either.

An alien sensation swept over Kiyraesyn as she took notice of an injured Romulan female staggering into her Sick Bay. Immediately and without hesitation, Valdor approached her, gesturing to her nurses to begin stripping the patient out of her uniform. She could sense that this stranger was aware of her surroundings, but may not be entirely coherent, and so she spoke up.

"What is your name?" She inquired warmly, not wanting to appear condescending or overly maternal. One of the nurses, Lynnea Wildman, stepped forward to offer the patient a steady lift up onto the bio-bed.

S'anra gave a deathly glare at the nurses who approached her, fending off the only one who got close enough to touch her. "S'anra," she stated, "You may treat my head wound, and that is all." The ancient-style bandage the commanding officer of the ship had stuck to her concealed much of it, but there was a couple lines of emerald blood dried down the side of her face. She had no interest in letting a strange doctor at anything she could heal from herself.

"Very well, S'anra, I'm Doctor Kiyraesyn Valdor and this is my head nurse, Lynn Wildman." Kiyraesyn replied curtly, scanning her with a medical tricorder. "As you request, we're only going to unwrap the bandage to assess and treat the head wound," Valdor explained in a concerned, yet distant tone as she approached the Romulan with fervent, graceful hands and set about the task of uncoiling the grotesquely stained bandage from S'anra's head and continued,"but you should be aware that you have sustained three severely fractured ribs and abdominal hemmorhaging, and if I am not permitted to treat those as well, you may die." She paused briefly before adding, "Are you absolutely certain there's nothing else I can do for you?"

S'anra took a look at the doctor's tricorder. It took her a moment to decipher what it meant compared to one of her own, but indeed, she did have a few broken ribs. She had missed that. Her chest did hurt more than any of the other places she had gotten banged up. S'anra nodded and unzipped the top of her suit. "You may treat that as well."

"Thank you." Valdor replied. "I'm sure I already know what your answer will be, but I'd like to know how this happened." She indicated to Wildman, as well as to Kirsgaard, that she required their assistance in treating her for the rib wounds.

"Romulans are strong, bulkheads are stronger. I was close enough to the raiding party's explosive. Concussive force," S'anra stated.

"I see." Valdor said, making a report of S'anra's condition in the computer. "Well, you should back to sterling health in just a few moments, so just bear with me a little while longer."

Wildman completed the sew-up and ran several more scans of S'anra's physiology before setting her tools aside and nodding.

"You're good to go." She smiled politely, awaiting further instruction.

Kiyraesyn looked over the information one last time before concluding that there was nothing further to be done.

"Thank you for allowing us to treat you, S'anra. You have a fine physique, do take care of it, won't you?" She beamed.

S'anra nodded, "I try." She zipped her suit back up and slid off of the table. The doctor had done a good job, she was in significantly less pain. The rest of her still ached, but she'd get over it. "Thank you, doctor," she stated, before turning and quickly departing.

OFF: Yes, this backpost is like a month backposted. We know. ;)


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