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Gearin' for Action

Posted on Sun Feb 6th, 2011 @ 5:10am by Lieutenant Colonel Anastasia DeVries & Lieutenant Dravic Rixx (MIA)

Mission: Hippocratic Hijacking
Location: Deck 5 - Main Engineering
Timeline: Following 'Those who stay behind: Crash Course..Part 2'

Following the conclusion of her flight operations training in holodeck two, Major Stace S. DeVries decided to continue on with her rather lengthy to-do list by following up with the next order of business - that of testing the weapon systems with a little help from those grease monkeys in engineering. Making her way from deck seven down to deck five, the woman took little time to explore the happenings in between her and the central hub of the ship before entering the large doors that allowed entrance to her destination. Looking around she gazed from individual to individual before settling her eyes on the figure whom she understood to be the man in charge.

"Lieutenant Dravic, I presume?" Stace inquired with an interested glare. "I'm Major DeVries from security. I'm here in order to request your assistance in running a series of small shakedowns concerning our weapons systems in the untimely event that we may have to actually use them. As you can imagine we can not afford any mishaps on our first voyage out. Now, would you prefer to handle this business yourself or delegate it to one of your other engineers?"

Without turning around to face the voice, "It's Lieutenant Rixx, Major," Dravic continued to run his hands across the console finishing his own work before finally turning to face the Major, "Damn, Baby, Look at you."

After his initial outburst, Rixx shakes his head, "Oh, umm, sorry Major, uh, uh, uh, work, yeah, work. Umm, I have a program I would like to try using to, uh... Damn, what was I trying to say?"

She was amused, that much was certain as she tried to maintain her somewhat serious composure. "That perhaps you have a program that would help aid us in testing our weaponry systems? I mean, that's what I was gathering from your statements... of course I meant the others outside of looking at me," she smirked.

Rixx shook his head as if trying to clear the cobwebs, "Oh, Uh, yeah, The Program, I wrote it a couple years back, its a basic adaptive learning matrix. I based it off the mission files of the USS Enterprise, they encountered a planet that had once been home to weapons merchants. The weapons kept getting smarter every time they beat one," shifting a bit nervously, "I also found something called a comic book, buried in a Federation Archive on earth, there was this superhero called Super Kent, or something like that, and he was pretty much immortal and stuff, but this guy managed to kill him, Doomday or something like that. Everytime Super Kent hurt him or killed him, he came back immune to what killed him. I wrote the program to be able to be a subroutine that could be attached to any other program."

Rixx shrugged, "If you have a combat training program, to simulate ship to ship combat, this program, can be attached. It will definitely give the crew one hell of a challenge," as he stopped talking Rixx realized he had gone full nerd mode, and suddenly remembered he was talking to a woman he was extremely attracted to, allowing a dumb look to slide slowly back onto his face.

It was with the mention of 'Super Kent' that Stace allowed her smirk to deepen even further. Thanks to her former husband's son she was amazingly enough quite familiar with the details of the long ago legend and therefore appreciated what the engineer was trying to say. "I do indeed have such a training program... and I must admit that the program in itself is one hell of an ass kicker so I can only imagine the damage adding your program can do. I think we should go for it. If nothing else we can enjoy the faces of torment the others will most definitely have. Sound game to you?"

Rixx nodded his head, half afraid if he spoke, he would start repeating "um" and "uh" again, like a gibbering idiot, 'Damn my weakness for the ginger's' was all Rixx could think in his head. The Chief Engineer nodded towards one of the free terminals in Engineering and the two officer's stepped over to the terminal. "Computer, Access Rixx personal database, and load program Rixx-Alpha-Seven-One-Nine, prepare it for attachment as a subroutine," Rixx looked over at the Major, "Your turn."

"Computer, run training program DeVries-Tango-nine-one," the woman said after Rixx had made his selection. "Suppose now it's magic time eh?"

Rixx nodded, "Sure is, now the Computer will adapt to what we throw at it. Finding ways to negate our work, and make us think WAY outside the box to keep our asses out of the fire," Rixx looked over at the screen, "Looks like the program is up and running in the holodeck already. You want the honors of calling the Senior Bridge Crew to play," Rixx asked the question with a massive shit-eating smile all over his face.

"Let's get this party started!" the Major grinned as she gave the man an approving pat on the back. "Such adventures you and I shall have."


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