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Loafing's for the Lazy

Posted on Mon Aug 8th, 2011 @ 5:29am by Lieutenant Xishaal Idrani

Mission: Tomorrow's Arizona
Location: Xishaal's Quarters
Timeline: Current


Xishaal stood in her quarters, dressed in nothing more than a modest robe and standing in front of a floor length mirror inspecting the map of scars left on her from the Archadian mission. A number of dermal regenerative therapy treatments had reduced them to nothing more than a network of slightly discolored lines that spanned her entire form.

"...I can't beleive how bad things have gotten!" she remarked as she leaned in closer to the mirror, inspecting her face and neck more closely. "..this has to be the longest i'd ever been...not on duty since the first day I entered the Imperial Academy!" she exclaimed.

Her antennae still exhibited that unusual ability to extend independently of one another without any noticable side effects. Her hair had seemed to grow much longer than she'd last remembered and seemed to look...alien to her. Like she almost didn't even recognize the face in the mirror.

Dr. Maliya had all but dismissed her concerns about the lack of motor control over her antennae, and did her best to reassure her that "...all would be fine in due time..." and to simply focus on getting back to her normal routine.

Xishaal had taken a slightly longer leave from her duties, leaving Bos'n Russo and others in her department to handle the day to day responsibilities while she, concentrated on her physical therapy and dermal regeneration sessions with the Doctor. She still received regular department updates and had only had to countermand a few decisions made in her absence. She was fortunate to have inherited such a capable group of officers after the loss of- Joker. "...Xishaal, I think it's been enough time laying around don't you?" she said to herself as she walked towards her bathing chamber.

Moments later, Xishaal found herself standing underneath a steady stream of hot water. Unlike most Andorians, bathing in cool water or even a cold sonic shower did not seem to agree with her. Then again, Xishaal wasn't like most Andorians she thought to herself, the mere reflection of what she was and how she came to be elicited a sudden burst of laughter from her.

Xishaal finished her shower, donned her uniform and found herself once again in front of her mirror. She felt well enough to resume her duties as Chief Operations Officer and was eager to get back to her old routine. "...This time around Azure, things will be different!" she exclaimed as she swept up a small stack of PADD's off of her desk as she proceeded out of her quarters. She felt renewed and invigorated and immediately glad to put her recent- isolation, behind her.



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