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First order of business...

Posted on Sun Aug 21st, 2011 @ 7:03pm by Captain Nathan Cowell MD & Ensign Andrexi Callai MD & Darek Halsey

Mission: Tomorrow's Arizona
Location: Sickbay, Desk 7, USS Arizona
Timeline: Immediately following 'Setting things in motion...'

Commodore Nathan Cowell stood in the turbolift with the Borg drone that he had styled 'One' from her designation, the anger flowing out of him unchecked and unguided. Nathan sucked in a few breaths as the turbolift continued down the lift shaft on its way toward Engineering, trying in vain to control his anger. Finally, the hatred and the ire and the built up frustration came to a head and Nathan lashed out at the first thing he could target... the wall of the turbolift. Nathan screamed out loud and rammed his fist into the bulkhead with the full force of his musculature, creating a rather large dent in the polished surface of the wall.

"Is there a purpose to your contact with the bulkhead in such a manner?" the drone asked.

"Makes me feel better..." Nathan lied. He didn't feel any better, and he wasn't ever sure if he was ever going to feel better about the situation. The was nothing about the whole ordeal that really felt right...

"Six and Seven have encountered resistance from one of your collective. It would appear that the one designated Halsey has attempted, unsuccessfully, to terminate the functionality of the drones that relocated two of your people to this vessel," One suddenly spoke up.

"Where did they take them?" Nathan asked, looking over to the drone.

"The compartment designated in your design plans as Sickbay," the drone replied.

"Computer, divert this thing to Sickbay!" Nathan bellowed. The lift shifted ever so slightly and slid to a stop, allowing them to step off the car and make their way swiftly to Sickbay. The doors to the compartment slid open swiftly as Nathan approached, giving him a nice view of Mr. Halsey unloading an entire magazine of bullets at the drones that had brought them back to the ship. The fact that Darek was doing more damage to the ship with his rounds than he was to the drones spoke volumes for just how far Borg shielding had come. A rather large, and growing, pile of lead at the feet of the drones, both of them appearing to be male.

Nathan stormed up behind Darek and backhanded him with far greater force than anyone likely suspected he could summon, least of all Halsey, who stumbled forward and sucked in a breath at the pain he had just been given thanks to the Commodore's ire.

"Quit putting holes in my damn sickbay!" the old man growled at him.

The overly personal beam out by the Borg drones put Darek's mind not only into over drive but also into combat mode. His vison was clearer than it ever was and his sense were on fire.

Being struck registered only due the pain and then the need for oxygen and an aggressive response. It wouldn't have surprised him if they had beamed aboard more drones aboard and whom ever had struck him was one of them.

Regaining his center of balance and perspective Darek spun and lashed out with his fist followed by a knee, a move he knew wasn't smart especially in close quarters combat which was completely out of line when it came to Borg. But instead of feeling the cold dead flesh and metal externals, he made contact with warm and very much alive flesh and toned muscles.

If the Commodore had been any less pissed off than he already had been, he honestly might have had more of a reaction to being punched and kneed. As it was, the old man was already seeing red, and everything that had been building up over the last half hour or so culminated in him reeling back one good time and landing a powerful blow square in Darek's face that drew a sickening crack out of his jawbone. The force and momentum of the blow sent him sprawling on the ground, while Nathan stood there flexing his hand to work the cramp out of it that had developed from overuse.

"Pick yourself up," Nathan growled, before his eyes floated to Ensign Callai, "Junior, you might want to grab a skeletal regenerator and stick it on his jaw."

"Aye, sir," the younger doctor said, already ahead of him by having grabbed the medical kit. He hadn't been sure just how he'd be using the kit during the events in question, but had suspected it would have something to do with treating patients infested with the infamous Borg nanoprobes in an effort to slow their assimilation. He drew the osteo regenerator from the kit, glancing uncertainly back at the drones as he moved toward Halsey. He took the man's chin gingerly in his hand, holding him steady as he conducted a quick scan, then initiated the regenerator to begin mending the bone.

While the young doctor busied himself with the Commodore's handiwork, Nathan began his impromptu debriefing. He motioned for the Borg that had been flanking him impassively the whole time to step forward and motioned for the other two drones do the same. Each of them complied with his finger waging as if he were able to speak to them telepathically. Such was obviously not the case given that Nathan didn't have any metal sticking out of him, so it just seemed all the more odd that the drones were so compliant.

"Let me introduce you to our new friends," the old man began, pointing to each drone as he spoke, "This little lady is One of Seventeen... One for short. If you couldn't tell, there's sixteen more of them running around on the ship. Each one volunteered to come help us out. These two strapping young lads over here are Six and Seven... though I'm not sure which is which..."

"We are designated Six," the one on the left responded in an effort to clarify the identity of the two yet as unlabeled drones.

"Oh good, then the other one is Seven. Easy enough..." the Commodore said before mumbling something along the lines of 'they all look alike anyway'.

"Six is designated as a drone repair unit. Six will be assisting your Sickbay collective in updating their database with knowledge of our restorative and regenerative capabilities within the confines of your individual physiological needs. We shall not offer you any knowledge that would require your assimilation," One suddenly interrupted.

"Ah... well then," Nathan said, looking over at Callai, "Looks like you've got yourself a drone for the time being."

"Just what I've always wanted," Andy said dryly, his grey eyes flicking back and forth between the Commodore, the treatment he was performing, and the various drones. "How did you know, sir?"

"You have to know these things when you're the man in charge. Now, you fix him up, squeeze that drone for every advantage he's worth, and get back to me later," the old man said, motioning for One to follow him out of the room. He had more places to go and plenty more to square away before the day was over...


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