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Making a Manticore

Posted on Thu Sep 1st, 2011 @ 8:25pm by Lieutenant JG Toshie Minamoto & Lieutenant Jasad Broca & Ensign Nathan Davis

Mission: Tomorrow's Arizona
Location: Jeffries Tubes and Main Engineering
Timeline: Some time after Third Order of Business

Jasad watched the two female drones as they completed the final connections of their alien Borg technology to the standard ship systems via the 'Omnidaptor Boot.' The Engineering team had improvised the 'boot' to create a seamless transition between the Borg-enhanced plasma and the ship's systems which required a standard Federation plasma supply. The 'boot' had been Petty Officer Gordon's brain-child, and so far it had been working flawlessly. Jasad made a mental note to recommend Gordon for a commendation for creative thinking under pressure. Subject to Minamoto's approval, of course.

He tapped his badge, "Broca to Engineering. We are ready to test line 32-Alpha."

Momentarily, the boot lit up a bright violet to show that plasma was streaming through it. The Borg-enhanced plasma lines lit up green. The lines that fed the standard ship's systems were blue. The two colors were a result of the different energy levels and wavelengths of Borg versus Federation plasma technology. It made an easy visual indicator of the proverbial 'pale,' or division between the two systems.

Unfolding his tricorder, Jasad scanned the boot and the lines on either end. Everything seemed to be working like clockwork. That pleased him as much as it made him nervous. But then, the Borg had been doing this sort of thing for a long time. If they couldn't anticipate problems and compensate before they happened, they'd have never been able to assimilate so many diverse alien technologies.

He tapped his badge again, "Broca to Engineering. All systems read nominal here. What do things look like at your end?"

A moment later, Macy answered, "All our boards are green. I think you can come on home, Sir."

Macy and Jasad had developed a rapport over the past several days. He'd come to think of the man as his own assistant. Smiling a bit, he regarded the two drones on his 'team.' "Shall we return to Main Engineering, then?"

The drones said nothing, they simply replaced the EPS hatch and began crawling through the Jeffries' tube. Jasad followed them, gaining an excellent view of their backsides. Their races were not distinguishable through their pale, glistening skin and rubberized sadomasochistic cybernetic body coverings. However, whatever type of humanoid they had once been, their bums were in excellent shape.

Eventually, the trio made their way back to the Main Engine Room. Macy was waiting, looking somewhat less nervous than he had initially. The terrifying novelty of working alongside so many Borg was beginning to fade. "Any word from the Chief," he asked Macy.

"Not yet," Macy said, "but I think her team should be wrapping up the final connections soon. This has all gone through pretty quickly, and without a hitch. It makes me wonder when the other shoe will drop."

Jasad nodded, "Soon, I suspect. There is a delicious human expression... how does it go... Ah, yes. No plan survives contact with the enemy. Theoretically, these upgrades will greatly enhance our capabilities. We'll be able to sustain Warp 9.975 for a week. Our shields will be fully adaptive, adjusting automatically to the ideal frequencies and modulation to resist enemy energy weapons. And our EPS lines will be three times more robust and resistant to ruptures than before. This is all very exciting. But that is all an estimate of what these systems can do for us while we are parked safely, far from test, trial, or tribulation."

He turned to look at the Warp core. Its glow was tinged with green, now. It almost looked sick. "I am curious as to what these systems will actually deliver when it matters."

Toshie crawled out of another Jeffries tube access door at that moment, her skin glistening from exertion and heat while she leaned against the bulkhead next to it and waited for the drones following her to emerge. After catching her breath, she spotted her assistant and walked over to him, unslinging the engineering kit she wore over one shoulder. "How did it go, Jasad? Did you get the boot running?"

She looked none to happy with the state of things in the innards of her ship, if the look on her face was any indication.

Jasad's gaze lingered briefly on his superior's glistening skin before he focused on her burning ire. "It's running," he promised, "and everything shows optimal. I'll be submitting paperwork recommending a commendation for Mr. Gordon. That boot is a remarkable piece of engineering, not least because it is remarkably simple." All the best innovations were, in his opinion.

"I take it everything went according to plan on your end as well, Sir," he asked. But he had little doubt about it. If she had been unable to integrate the Borg technology, he imagined that she would actually be in a better mood.

Toshie brushed some of the hair that was sticking to her face. It was having a real tendency to escape her ponytail today and it was bothering her. She nodded softly, "Good, I'm having enough problems with this Borg tech just integrating it, so I'm glad our plasma systems can interface at least. I'll sign off on that paperwork, he did a good job. I'm glad I have engineers like him." Unspoken, she bit back an "And you." She had been relying on her assistant a lot since the Borg encounter and he was really rising to the task. She was only human, she couldn't be in four places at once and with him, she didn't really have to.

She waved a dismissive hand back and forth in front of her, "It went okay, got the systems working." Her fingers worked at the temple on one side of her head, "Did they have to fiddle with the environmental controls?"

Jasad smirked, "Optimal efficiency, they said. For them, of course. Not for us." He shrugged, "As soon as they are off the ship, I will be sure to return the climate controls to human optimal." It was warm even for a Cardassian. She must be baking. Though... he did like the way she looked. She was sweaty and musky, and her chest heaved when she took deep, tired breaths. Ridged Noses and the Wet Look. He was accumulating an interesting roster of kinks.

"Speaking of which," he added optimistically, "now that we're nearly done with this process, I expect our guests will be leaving soon."

Toshie tugged on the collar of her uniform and grumbled softly to herself, leaving a slight gap for a moment in an attempt at getting a bit of relief, "I'm sure you're enjoying it, weren't you complaining about it being chilly?" She didn't seem to notice the way he was looking at her, but with the three layers of uniform she had on, the heat was definitely getting to her. "Ugh, I need a long cold shower and a change of uniform." She looked over at the drones, then back to him, "I've always worked to be open-minded, since I come from a family that really isn't very, at least for humans in this century....but I won't shed a tear over them leaving."

Jasad tore his gaze away from her assets before he earned a sexual harassment violation. "You'd better not shed a tear," he said with a grin, "I don't think you can spare the moisture."

Toshie didn't say anything back, but the tongue that stuck out at him for a moment spoke plenty.


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