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Bridging Ambition

Posted on Fri Sep 2nd, 2011 @ 7:01pm by Lieutenant Jasad Broca & Captain Nathan Cowell MD

Mission: Tomorrow's Arizona
Location: Bridge/Ready Room
Timeline: After Shades of Grey in the Looking Glass

Jasad allowed himself a yawn as the turbolift made its way to the Arizona's bridge. He had been looking forward to a big meal and a long sleep now that his shift was over, but fate had expressed other plans. In this case, fate was named Commodore Cowell. He had no idea why the Commodore wanted to speak with him, but he hoped it was something mundane. Perhaps the Commodore wanted his impression of the Borg technology? But then... Minamoto was best qualified to give such an opinion. In fact, she had very strong opinions about it, and could probably go on at some length.

As his mind turned to Minamoto, he wondered if his summons to the Commodore's ready room might actually have something to do with her. Had his admiration of her appearance crossed a boundary? Had she caught him leering? Was he being called in for disciplinary action? He felt a chill as he considered the possibility that his career might be stunted because he'd found his sweaty superior officer alluring.

The turbolift doors opened, and he made his way across to the Commodore's ready room. He touched the door chime, and entered when his presence was acknowledged.

"Lieutenant Broca reporting," he declared unnecessarily. "You wanted to see me, Sir?"

"No, I wanted to talk to you," the Commodore quipped sarcastically, "But I can't do that without looking at you. Can't have everything we want in the world, I reckon. Now sit down and listen up."

The old man waited until the Cardassian was seated before he continued, "I've been doing a bit of shuffling around lately, trying to put people where their talents suit the needs of the ship the best. That means, among other things, that I just had an opening come up in the Operations department. Lieutenant Idrani seems to have some aggression to spare and I'm looking to channel that in the Security department, so she's moved over there. You, however, seem to have some talent you aren't using to the fullest. It isn't your fault, just the limitation of the position you've been assigned. Your performance since you joined the crew has been acceptable enough to give you a shot at manning a bridge console and riding a seat on the senior staff. You up for it or should I give it to someone else?"

Once again, Jasad found himself weathering the Commodore's acerbic nature. He wondered if the man was ever truly happy. Or perhaps he was happy now, and this was simply station-keeping for him. It seemed doubtful, though. With the location of the ship, its perilous situation, and the daily uncertainties that shrouded their mission like a burial cloth, it seemed likely that the Commodore was legitimately in a sour mood.

But as the Commodore continued speaking, Jasad became abruptly aware of the fact that something important was happening. It took him a moment to realize exactly what was being said. He had not been brought here for chastisement or reprimand. He was being offered a position on the bridge. More than that- a position on the senior staff. It wasn't engineering, but it was important. This was the boon to his career that he'd been hoping for. It was the first, necessary step on the path to Command.

He stood up, straight as a post. "I would be honored to accept such a position, Sir, and vow to serve you to the utmost standards of excellence required of a member of your senior staff."

"How about you just do the job and let me worry about whether or not you make the grade," the old man said flatly before changing the subject, "I want you to get the ship ready for a trip through the Iconian gateway. Once you've made your preparations, let me know."

By this time, Jasad knew better than to expect a more positive response to his vows. No matter. He had the position, and now he had an assignment that would prove him worthy of it. The Commodore was a results man, and Jasad merely had to provide results. "Yes, Sir."

Then he hesitated, not wanting to depart until he was formally dismissed. His CO could embrace or dispense with protocol and convention as he wished, but Jasad felt no such leisure.

"Don't just stand there, son... You're a big boy, you can leave on your own. No more hand holding for you," the Commodore said, waving the man out of the room.

Jasad nodded once, turned on his heel, and walked out of the office. One of these days, he would figure out how to make that old curmudgeon crack a smile...


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