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Bullets of Pure Love

Posted on Wed Sep 7th, 2011 @ 6:31pm by Lieutenant Torrna Maliya MD & Lieutenant Jasad Broca & Captain Nathan Cowell MD

Mission: Tomorrow's Arizona
Location: Bridge/Sickbay
Timeline: Some time after A Stitch in Time

After her talk with with Callai, albeit as reluctant as it was, Maliya felt a little better, not so angry anymore. As she got back to Sickbay, she tapped her commbadge, she was curious what the repair ETA was on the repairs to Sickbay. Ops would be the ones to have that information, best she ask them and not disturb Engineering, they were busy enough anyway. That and she really wanted to avoid another encounter with Jasad Broca if at all possible, she'd had enough of anger and frustration for one day.

"Torrna to Ops." she said tapping her commbadge.

Jasad had just returned to the bridge and assumed the Ops station when a familiar voice came over the comm. It was his favorite ridge-nosed beauty. And also some-time nemesis. He sincerely hoped that he never needed any serious medical attention on this ship. He wasn't entirely sure how deeply the good Doctor's feelings of resentment ran.

"This is Ops," he replied, "how may we assist you?"

Maliya stood in Sickbay, mouth agape. She'd called Ops, not Engineering. And by the law of that fellow called Murphy, the Spoonhead had answered. It took her brain a few moments to recover from a sudden freeze over. Blinking away the funk, she replied finally. "Aren't you an Engineer, Mr. Broca?" she asked coldly.

Jasad's lips curled into a smile as he realized the unpleasant surprise that the Bajoran had just endured. "Indeed. I hold numerous Engineering certificates. However, the Commodore has seen fit to transfer me to Operations. In fact, you're likely to see me at the next meeting of department heads. Were you calling to congratulate me, Doctor?"

If Broca's hearing was any good, he would be hearing a facepalm now and a low groan. "No, Mister Broca, as this is the first word of this occasion to me. Though if the Commodore thinks you can do it, I'm not one to argue. I was calling to see what the ETA on Sickbay repairs was." she replied in an slow, somewhat irritated manner, opting not to congratulate him, the smug bastard.

"Ah," Jasad said, still smirking. "Let me pull up the maintenance prioritization logs... Hmm... it seems that the sickbay repairs are listed as 'cosmetic' and 'non-critical.' Of course, this gives them the least possible priority in the order of repairs. That is most unfortunate. Oh, and look here."

He pressed a bank of inactive controls on his console. They beeped obligingly but didn't actually do anything. "There also seems to have been some recent change of staffing of the Engineering department. The next shift is consequently shorter than their full complement of repair techs. That can only delay things further, I'm afraid."

He leaned forward a bit, his voice taking on a more intimate tone, "Tell me, Doctor, have the cosmetic deficiencies in Sickbay become serious enough to retard the smooth functioning of your department? If so, I can re-order the priority level."

That smug son of a bitch, that snake headed vermin, how dare he? How dare he be Cardassian with her. The ba....

"I have several consoles out of comission and my wall pannels which do tend to hold patient information when I'm dealing with patients." she sighed, "Someone apparently thought emptying a salvo of projectile ammunition into shielded Borg was a good idea." she groaned.

She was not going to fall into a trap of owing that Cardassian filth a favor. She was not!

"Well now," Jasad said, "that does change the picture a bit. Those kinds of damages will move you right up from 'cosmetic repairs, non-critical' to 'necessary repairs, non-critical.' But you know, Doctor, there's no need to languish in queue. I'd be happy to drop by Sickbay when my shift is over and take care of these problems for you. I have no other plans this evening, and it would warm my heart to help out a colleague."

Maliya felt queasy. It was almost as if he took extra pleasure in this. Straightening up, she realised that, just maybe, he did. Surely there was a way to combat this. Surely there was a way for her to gain the upper hand.

"It would be most kind of you, Lieutenant. The entire Medical Staff would be grateful." she said finally, pulling on a fake smile.

"The entire staff?" Jasad swallowed a chuckle. "Well, as their duly appointed representative, I trust that you will convey to the staff that no such gratitude is necessary. In this uncertain world, it seems inevitable that I will eventually need you in the most desperate way. And I know I can count on your tender ministrations when the time comes. Ops out."

Sick, queasy, dizzy, were the feelings running through Maliya's body as the comms shut down.

The maintenance log that was displayed on Jasad's console showed Sickbay as the 'Next Scheduled Repair' for Petty Officer Gordon. ETA 15 minutes. Jasad reassigned the repair to himself, and labeled it 'cross-departmental assistance/certification training.' Then he cleared the screen and brought up the control routines for the Iconian gateway. The Commodore had waited for this long enough. He was probably fuming in his ready room by now wondering what was taking so long.

Tapping his badge, Jasad declared, "Ops to Commodore Cowell. The ship stands ready to transition the gateway at your convenience."

"Very well, get to the bridge as soon as you can," the voice of the Commodore intoned before the linked died.


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