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A Stitch in Time II

Posted on Wed Sep 21st, 2011 @ 3:02pm by Lieutenant Jasad Broca & Lieutenant Commander Aral Aix

Mission: Tomorrow's Arizona
Location: Astrometrics
Timeline: Some time after A Stitch in Time I


Having exorcised the astrophysicists from the astrophysics lab, Aix and Broca enjoyed full use of the facilities within the lab. Aral had chosen that particular room because it had unparalleled control of shipboard sensors, its own dedicated data buffer and a really big screen.

At present the really big screen displayed a graphical representation of the problem with the reconstructed scan data displayed alongside. "Computer, run simulation," ordered the Chief Science Officer, the patterns within the plasma conduit, represented by shades of several colours did indeed show the eddies Broca had predicted. "Extrapolate distribution of eddies across primary EPS manifold." Aix ordered, and the small diagram was replaced with a larger one showing several hundred dots across a diagram of the Arizona. "Overlay latest damage control reports." The errors coincided, with a flash of red. "Coincidence," Aral stated, "We have a working premise."

Jasad smiled. "Well, it's good to know I'm not just madly grasping at straws. Now the real question is... if this is happening, what can we do about it?" He looked towards Commander Aix. If anyone on this ship would be able to unravel the mystery, it would be him. "Of course I realize we won't be able to solve it this instant. The Commodore is expecting me to report on our readiness to traverse the Iconion gateway. And who knows what challenges await us on the other side? But hopefully we can come up with a theory and prototype device to combat this effect before it's time to return to our own era. Then, with help from the Engineering department, we can test our prophylactic."

He leveled a gaze at Aix, "None of this, Commander, is possible without your help. I am grateful that you've taken the time to investigate the possibility, rather than dismissing it out of hand." Such a reaction, he realized, would have been quite likely on a Cardassian ship. This much time and effort was rarely spent on a problem that didn't have obvious tactical applications. "Shall we meet again tomorrow to discuss theories," he proposed, extending a hand towards his superior officer- and hopefully- research partner.

Distracted by a thousand and one thoughts Aral accepted Jasad's hand and nodded before turning back to the data that lay before them. "We need to get some hard analysis on this, I'll get the children to churn the numbers again." Perhaps the science department staff might yet prove themselves useful.


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