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Getting a handle on things

Posted on Thu Oct 6th, 2011 @ 1:48pm by Captain Nathan Cowell MD & Lieutenant Colonel Anastasia DeVries

Mission: Tomorrow's Arizona
Location: Bridge, USS Arizona
Timeline: Following 'What waits beyond...'

Commodore Cowell sat silently for some time while the ship continued at maximum warp in the direction the tactical cube had indicated during their battle with the bio-ships. The entire ordeal had proven one thing without a doubt... they were woefully unprepared for what was ahead of them. For all their technological superiority, the Borg presented very little in the way of resistance toward the weaponry carried by the ships they'd encountered. Even the massive and once considered invincible Tactical Cube was little more than a large target that had taken more damage than it had dished out. Whatever adaptions the Borg might have made, it all seemed geared toward simply surviving and not overcoming.

Nathan looked over to his First Officer, who had recognized the ships not long after he had. Her years in the covert Section 31 might very well have given her knowledge regarding their new found enemy they found themselves facing. Perhaps she had been exposed to something in her former occupation that would help them, and if not, at least a new strategic tact that he hadn't considered.

"Colonel, let's go have a conversation in my Ready Room," the old man said as he rose from his chair and headed for the indicated chamber.

Agreeing, the woman swiftly followed behind him until they had at last reached the inner confines of the empty room. "So... what exactly are you wanting to chat about?"

"About those ships that seem to tear through Borg ass like tissue paper, and how we can at least keep them off their toes until we can find something big enough to punch holes in their ships," Nathan said as he settled into his chair, "You were Section 31, I'm sure they've pissed those critters off once or twice and have a way to handle them. Figured you'd have some insight."

Stace considered his words slowly before nodding a bit. "Well... you're correct in the assumption that we have dealt with them a few times before... but to be honest with you they ate us for breakfast. Even we have never been able to construct a weapon with enough power to take them on... though if I'm to go with my gut instinct I believe that may have changed."

"Then I suppose we need to start looking for something in this period that will do just what we need... Any thoughts on where we might go?" Nathan inquired.

"We need to find whatever is left of Starfleet here. Despite all the ass pummeling, I know not everyone was wiped out... and I suspect the Borg may know where to find them. We'll need help... and I think we could be just the catalyst to rally the collective forces," she explained.

Nathan rubbed his chin for a moment in thought, "Suppose it's worth a try. I reckon we'll need to put in a call to the Tactical Cube, since it's from this area. See what it knows about the survivors and what have you."

The old man turned to his communications console and hit the call command, "Cowell to the bridge, transmit a signal to the Tactical Cube and ask them to send us any information they have on Species 5618, whereabouts and the like."

"Aye sir," came the immediate reply from Lt. Commander Aix. When the channel closed, Nathan turned back to his First Officer. He regarded the woman for a moment as he developed a course of action while they waited.

"Get with Spots out there and see what you can dig up on these bastards, anything from the Voyager expedition ten years ago would probably be good. See if they left us any hints on how to deal with our problem children. Once we get word on where humans hang out in this era, we'll need to pay them a visit and see if we can't get some form of resistance going. Keep me posted on what you find in our archives if you would," the old man said finally after giving the matter due thought.

Stace blinked. "Are you asking me to dig through... archives?"

"No, I'm asking you to make Spots dig through archives and you bring me the results..." Nathan said in a serious tone, "If you don't watch him like a hawk he'll go off on some new tangent and put us in even more trouble than this damn trip has been so far. Make it happen, Colonel..."

Nathan wasn't accustomed to openly blaming people for twists of fate, but Spots was about the only one he could point the finger to as far as their lot in life was concerned. However, if Aix was at fault, he would certainly be the best choice to fix it. Time would have to tell...


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