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Nightmares Do Come True

Posted on Thu Oct 20th, 2011 @ 5:06am by Lieutenant Xylia Lischka & Lieutenant Chet McChet

Mission: Tomorrow's Arizona
Location: Deck 7 - Security Offices
Timeline: Following: 'Arguing With Myself'

Xylia paced the floor replaying the previous events in her mind over and over again. Things had gone from bad to worse, and now species 8472 was chasing them down. While that was creepy enough, there was also another Cowell on board the ship. One was bad enough, but two... Maybe some kind of sleeping gas was released through the ships vents and the whole crew was sound asleep, suffering from the same nightmare. That was what they were living at the moment. A nightmare of epic proportions, and it was time to get creative.

Her newest Assistant Chief was already busy with other things, so she figured the next best person to aid her in her current task was none other than Chet. He was absolutely insane, and it was because of that that any ideas he could come up with would likely work. 8472 would be a bitch and a half to deal with, but they'd get the job done like they always did. And hopefully with very little in the way of casualties on the Arizona.

Clearing her head, Xylia tapped her commbadge. "Lischka to McChet. Report to my office, please."

"Righty-o Lemon Drop!" came the exuberant voice belonging to the most serious brig keeper in the near universe. Several long moments passed until at last the strange little man made his entrance. "I knew you'd eventually miss me. Have you called me here to volunteer for my new calendar spread?"

"Maybe later. Right now... I need to... pick your brain." Lord... what was she getting herself into here. "As I'm sure you're aware, we're in trouble. We're currently being chased down by Species 8472. They're not like anything we've come in contact with before, and I was hoping that somewhere in the deep, dark recesses of your mind, you might be able to help me figure out some tactical maneuvers that could get us out of some serious hot water."

Chet's face lit up at the woman's words. She needed him! "Of course!! I am most proficient in coming up with bizarre escape routes! However, I should note that we're likely to die. Horribly." He meandered about a minute or two before rubbing the bridge of his nose. "I suppose we should start with finding something that could possibly eat through bioskin."

Xylia leaned back against one of the desks in the main Security area. There was a reason she could go to him when things got hot. He might be insane and a little messed up mentally, but he could definitely be depended on when shit hit the fan. "Exactly. If we can keep the crew safe, we're going to do our damnedest to make sure that we accomplish that." She gave thought to his last words. Something that would eat through bioskin... "Any ideas? Because I'm coming up with nothing. I've done some digging, and I know that 8472 is pretty impossible to take out. I'd much rather play tiddlywinks with the Borg."

"I agree. The Borg would be far more manageable at this rate," the man nodded in agreement. "To be honest I'm surprised they lasted as long as they have against 8472. They are the most ruthless of all species. It will be tough to beat them, even with a solid plan in action. Perhaps we could construct a chemical compound. Are you a smarty pants with science? If not we may have to rent a geek to help us."

"I think it would be best to rent a geek. I'd save 8472 the trouble and blow the ship up myself if someone put chemicals in my hand, and neither of us wants that." Lischka retorted, though that could be saved as a last resort. "I wonder if they're immune to acids..." It was more of a personal thought spoken out loud.

Chet scratched his head. "There's no way to tell for certain. I would like to think someone had attempted something similar once just for the sake of being a genius... but perhaps if we were to mix a bunch of stuff together it would explode like that one time I did a volcano project because Mindy Smithers had to wash her hair and couldn't make our date."

She listened to the man intently. There was more to Chet than his love for cheese and decorating style, but most people avoided him at all costs. Well, as far as Xylia was concerned, he wasn't so bad, and could be depended on when things got bad. She could count on him. "You're probably right. Someone has likely come up with that one already, but given that we're playing a game of cat and mouse right now, I think the only option we have is to rent a geek like you mentioned. Mixing things could work, and if it doesn't... well... at the very least we can say we tried. As for this Mindy person... that's her loss." She pushed herself away from the desk and smoothed her hands over her uniform. "What do you say we go rent us a geek?"

"Sure thing!! I believe Commander Aix should be able to accommodate us. I doubt he's had much time for tea lately. Oh I do enjoy myself a jolly good cup!" Chet beamed as he led the two of them out between the doors and on their way.


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