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Everything but the Kitchen Sink!

Posted on Sat Nov 26th, 2011 @ 7:00am by Lieutenant Xishaal Idrani & Lieutenant Xylia Lischka

Mission: These are the voyages...
Location: USS Arizona: Security Offices
Timeline: Current: After Everything's All Shiny and New

The doors to the shiny and new security office slid open almost without a sound as a number of NCO's in gold entered the office carrying or wheeling in a number of crates of different sizes and furniture. Wordlessly they began to disassemble one of the chairs behind a desk and in its place, assembled one that looked to be an exact copy of one from Commodore Cowell's Ready Room.

Two more Engineering Officers entered to remove and replace the relatively small display monitor with an even larger one in its place. All of them working quietly, efficiently and silently, oblivious to the room already being occupied.

A few moments later, more containers were wheeled in and empty ones removed. In these looked to be devices of some sort. One of the engineers stood by, PADD in hand, overseeing the work being done to his satisfaction .

Lieutenant Xylia Lischka walked out of her office on board the newly minted USS Arizona when she heard all the commotion taking place out in the main Security area. She stopped short and blinked when she saw a mass of people from the Engineering department removing and replacing equipment inside. Spotting the one with the PADD that looked to the be the one of 'importance' at the moment, the brunette moved toward him, cocking her head to one side. She definitely liked the changes, and since they were still in drydock, these things could take place with little to no hassle for everyone involved, but she still had to know. "Excuse me... did Commodore Cowell authorize these changes?"

Turning towards the Security Chief, the Engineering Officer, also a Lieutenant looked up and smiled warmly at her "It's Rear Admiral now and as for your question,..that is a matter of perspective Lieutenant!" The man, replied "..We got a request to switch out some of this old gear and install these upgrades.."

"Regardless of who put the request in, the newer upgrades are most welcome." Lischka said, moving over to one of the already installed chairs to feel it out. She loved the way it felt, which prompted her next question. "I don't suppose you have one of these for my office, do you?"

"Actually, there is another one being delivered.." The Lieutenant replied "..I wondered at first how chairs normally reserved for a Diplomatic office or Ready Room would end up here but if the Old man says someone can have 'em, who am I to say otherwise! Now if you'll excuse me, I have some more work to check up on.."

"I can imagine if changes like this are taking place. Thank you, Lieutenant." She looked over the work being done within her department and wondered if the Commodore was replaced with a Doppelganger while they were gone. Xylia wasn't sure, and knew there really wasn't any kind of possibility of that happening, but if he was in a giving mood, there was no way she would complain. Canting her head, Lischka turned on her heel and moved back toward her office. There was still a lot of work that needed to be done. Like configuring security codes and the like.

Sitting at the SecChief's desk, leaning back in the newly installed and extremely comfortable chair, Xishaal looked at her dearest friend enter and smiled broadly " Lee-shi-Ka! . . . How are you!" The Andorian woman exclaimed, rising to her feet and reaching over to embrace her. "How do you like the little gifts? They are exactly like the one's in Admiral Cowell's Ready Room!" Xishaal, was still dressed in her Andorian Imperial Guardsmen uniform and carried little more than a small bag, slung over her shoulders.

Gesturing to the new equipment and larger Main Display Screens, Xishaal stood back to allow the woman to take her new chair once again. "..This morning when I reported in, Admiral Cowell told me that if I wanted a few, we would be welcome to them! Since there is still much to be done on the ship, it was no problem getting a few more sent over and some of the other equipment upgraded!"

"It appears that the Admiral is feeling quite generous as of late. I've got to wonder if what happened had anything to do with that." Xylia said more to herself than anyone else. When Xishaal embraced her, she returned the embrace and began to look over all the changes. This would work out. A new ship meant new equipment to get used to, so she'd be able to get it all out of the way before they pulled out.

"..let's just say that a favor owed is a favor that can be traded!" Xishaal replied " You would be surprised how this kind of bartering goes on around the fleet Of course it doesn't hurt to have word get out that a no-nonsense Admiral personally offered the chairs.." She added. "It is wonderful to be back here among friends again! Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get into a proper uniform!

"You do that, Lieutenant. We've got equipment to familiarize ourselves with." And when the Andorian woman walked out of Security, Xylia moved into her office to begin preparing.


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