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Waiting for the Shoe

Posted on Thu Jan 12th, 2012 @ 3:45am by Lieutenant Jasad Broca

Mission: Crises and Consequences
Location: Bridge
Timeline: After Which Way Where and Why

Jasad could not help but wonder what sort of unrest had befallen Starfleet Command in this sector. Something unexpected was going on, and it had resulted in the Commodore becoming two kinds of Admiral in as many months. That sort of rapid promotion hadn't been seen since the Dominion War, and it always heralded the coming of something dark. No worries on that score, though. Cowell had proven capable of standing up to any darkness imaginable... when he wasn't snoozing in his command chair.

Jasad's musings were redirected when Lieutenant Idrani stepped onto the bridge. She was a fine looking woman. Andorian, unfortunately, and probably already engaged according to her people's customs. Very few humanoids of a binary sexuality could hope to romance an Andorian, on account of their unusual requirements for procreation. Still, there was something about that woman that always drew the eye. She had a curvier physique than most Andorians, and was frankly a delight to the senses... when she wasn't complaining about tactical equipment deficiencies.

She surveyed the bridge and had a word with her superior. He couldn't hear what was being said, but he hoped she was commenting about how all the tactical systems were in tip-top shape. Jasad had worked his team hard to make sure all systems were nominal before leaving stardock. It only took a few words from the Lieutenant to convince you that you didn't want to make her angry.

Returning his attention to the console in front of him, Jasad did a department-by-department review to make sure everything was in order. Then he monitored the sensor readings coming through the long-range sensors and feeding into the Science Department. So far, everything was in order, and nothing was unusual.

The Neutral Zone was Quiet.

Perhaps too quiet...


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