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Which Way, Where and Why?

Posted on Wed Jan 11th, 2012 @ 9:43pm by Lieutenant Xishaal Idrani & Lieutenant Xylia Lischka

Mission: Crises and Consequences
Location: Bridge: USS Arizona
Timeline: Current


*USS Arizona: Bridge*

The tall Andorian woman leaned back against the walls of the lift as it ascended upwards. Her thoughts being dominated not so much by recent events of their trip into the future or even her being temporarily reassigned to the Imperial Guard while the crew of the Arizona sat in quiet frustration about their immediate futures.

She had felt an interesting sense of joyful anxiousness upon hearing the news that her stint in the Guard was coming to an end. Eagerly she made her way back to Sol sector to Earth and retake her position with those who had become her new family.

Family, a word that was foreign to her in it's experience, and yet she had in her own way, created one for herself here among the crew. There had been many changes in her new family since she had first come aboard but there were two constants that remained, two very important fixtures in her existence.

"Time to go to work. . " Xishaal commented to herself as she sensed the turbo-lift beginning to slow its ascent, breaking her moment of quiet reflection. Moments later, the sights and sounds of the Sovereign class bridge bathed the turbo-lift in light and sound as she straightened up and cross the threshold once again.

* * * *

Xishaal quietly surveyed her surroundings as other crewmen went about their tasks. She was accepting of the fact that she was no longer a department head or a member of the Senior Staff any longer but being back on the bridge, being in the center of everything was electrifying for her. She even had fond thoughts of sitting at the CONN, though she often sat there for longer than normally allowed.

It was then that her situational awareness made her aware that they weren't heading back to the Delta Quadrant as she had expected but someplace far more dangerous. Xishaal quietly walked over to where Lieutenant Xylia was currently standing. Her antennae began to pick up a level of anxiety and tension among the crew and it wasn't until she turned her head to regard the Main Display that she knew why

'The neutral zone' Xishaal thought to herself as she peered over Xykia's shoulder at the tactical console. Most federation ships who ace anywhere near the Romulan boarder were immediately challenged by a group of war birds,especially their new Valdore class. Whatever their reason, the time spent in dry dock making sure every offensive and defensive system on board exceeded operational specs. Xishaal had been especially hard on the engineering and operations departments and from what she had seen, they had lived up to or in some cases even surprised the Andorian.

"We are to just sit here, Lischka?" Xishaal remarked as she came up beside the woman. ". . Being this close to the RNZ, especially after so much,. . Chaos going on in their government. . " she didn't finish her statement as she leaned over the console to peer down at the Conn officer; Paul Arkon, a man with whom she had supervised in the past, went about his duties. She had the utmost confidence in abilities to handle this new ship. Outside of the XO, she was not familiar with the rest of the crew.

"As much as I would rather be some place else right now... we can't do anything until the Admiral gives us our orders. Until then, we sit tight and make sure that nothing is amiss." Xylia responded, her eyes locked on the tactical screen in front of her. With luck, they would be on their way soon without any kind of ramifications.

"That is true "Xishaal said in response as she looked over to where the Admiral was seated. "Regardless of why they were there or what they were doing there, Xishaal knew deep down that whomever ordered them there had good reason and the momentary uneventful period in their lives would be a distant memory


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