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Senatorial Visitors

Posted on Tue Jan 31st, 2012 @ 12:33pm by Captain Nathan Cowell MD & Lieutenant Commander Duncan Gofton JD

Mission: Crises and Consequences
Location: Various
Timeline: Following 'Plans and Portents'

[Transporter Room One, USS Arizona]

As the five individuals materialized on the transporter pad, Admiral Nathan Cowell was already planning his next move. The execution would require him to be free to conduct business without entertaining the Romulan Senators they had picked up. Nathan turned toward Lt. Cmdr. Gofton and motioned for him to move a bit closer.

"Be a good boy and take these ladies around, show them the ship... and keep them out of my hair," the old man said, his voice getting lower at the end.

"Aye, if ya put it that way," Gofton whispered back.

Nathan clapped the man on a shoulder, "Good man." The old man turned to the two Romulan females, "The diplomat here is going to take you ladies around the ship. I've got a lot of things to coordinate on the bridge. I'm sure he'll be more than able to pick up my hosting slack."

Before anyone had a chance to say anything in response, both Adm. Cowell and Lt. Col. DeVries were practically out the door. Senator Rosal was the first to speak after they left.

"I am glad to see your Admiral takes this operation so seriously. Most officers in the Imperial Navy waste no chance to trade words and try to gain influence and favors..." the woman noted, having no idea that she was simply being pawned off on the diplomat.

Senator Timara was less impressed with her host and made it known, "He could have at least started the tour for us. There is always time to be pleasant..."

"Oh bother," Gofton said under the shroud of his breathe. Momentarily he remembered his recently assigned task. He smiled overtly at the two Senators, "Esteemed Senators if ya follow me this way we'll get on with yer tour."

Both Romulans nodded and followed him out of the compartment into the corridor. As they walked, the two Senators couldn't help but look all around them and marvel at what the Federation considered to be aesthetically fitting for a starship. Out of the two, only Senator Rosal had been in the Imperial Navy, and only for a few short years before she moved on to politics. Timara had no experience with Romulan military vessels at all so she had an even more narrow frame of reference to go by.

"How many people do you imagine you will be able to get aboard, Mister..." Sen. Timara was going to ask until she realized she'd never heard the man's name.

"We are expect'n to be a-transport'n a'roond mebbe 7000 aye. It gonna be a tight fit alright, Senators. The name is Gofton, Duncan Gofton."

"Indeed it will be tight," Sen. Rosal nodded, "But I do believe that a tight fit would be better than the loss of one's life should this celestial event be worse than some of our detractors have predicted. A part of me hopes they are right and we've called you here for nothing."

"Believe me. We are doin' ev'rything we can to help yer people, Senators."

"I'm sure you are, Mister Gofton," Sen. Rosal said before they came to the turbolift, "What will be our first stop?"

"Have ya ever seen a Holodeck?" Gofton asked them while they walked together down the corridor.

The woman both nodded in unison and Sen. Timara spoke for them, "Yes, we've been able to use them a fair few times on diplomatic vessels. They are rather enjoyable. I was, actually, wondering if we might see some of the places you will be housing the refugees, if that's acceptable. I would very much like to know what we have to look forward to."

"Aye," Gofton nodded. "This way." Gofton tapped the interface to call a Turbolift. The door opened and he gestured them to enter first.

Both women stepped inside and took up positions near the back of the lift, giving Gofton plenty of room. Once he was inside, the man ordered the lift to the nearest prepared shelter, which happened to be the main cargo bay. The lift hummed to life and within moments, deposited the three people on the appropriate deck. The part of the ship they had entered was strangely devoid of crew, more than likely a result of work having already been completed in and around the cargo bay area. Once inside, Senators Rosal and Timara marveled at the abilities of the Federation engineers that had put the shelter together.

Rows of beds lined the walls in a near perfect line stretching all along the compartment. There were easily over two hundred bunks, perhaps even more, waiting to be filled by the Romulans the Arizona would be rescuing. Both woman approached the different bunks, running a hand over the linen and even the framework as if to confirm it was all real.

"I didn't expect such... luxury..." Sen. Rosal remarked, "Though I suppose it is actually more space effective than having people sleep on the floor. I am very impressed."

"As am I," Timara agreed, "I would have thought the bunks would be empty. This is indeed a very generous gesture on your parts."

"Aye," Gofton simply replied. "We 'er doin dah best to accompany yer people, Esteemed Senators."

"I can see that you are," Rosal remarked before looking at her companion a moment, "And now that we have seen the accommodations... I've heard Federation vessels have drinking establishments aboard. I think I would like to visit this place if you do indeed have it."

"Aye, we do." Gofton smiled, "Mebbe we can split on the nachos?" He offered while he lead them back to the Turbolift.


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