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Reporting for duty

Posted on Tue Jan 18th, 2011 @ 7:15pm by Lieutenant Xishaal Idrani & Captain Nathan Cowell MD

Mission: Hippocratic Hijacking
Location: Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: Following Orbital Oncology

Xishaal stepped off of the turbolift and took a moment to reflect on the end of voyage. She had traveled a long way to make her connection to finally board the Arizona, a relatively new Prometheus class starship. She loved the lines of her racer inspired design and her clean modern aesthetic inspired interior. Finally being able to board the Arizona was one of the few times she'd actually smiled in recent memory. The last thing left for her to do was to meet her new commanding officer. Captain Nathan Cowell, a medical doctor no less. Xishall had tried to get as much studying as she could on the long trip here. From what she remembered, there was something about Captain Cowell that was different from other... Humans, then again, Xishaal was different from most other Andorians as well.

Immediately turning to her right, she tapped the door chime to announce her presence.

"Come!" the voice from behind the door called out, prompting the doors to the compartment to slide open to allow the woman a view of the interior of the Captain's office. Even before she stepped inside, she could see various relics from Earth's past; flags, uniforms, and regalia from a time long before the Federation was even a glimmer in the eyes of the many races that would come to call it home. It was a window into the past, much the same as Nathan himself was, when he choose to be.

The elder looking Captain was sitting behind his unnervingly clean desk, thumbing through an old book, a hardbound paper version of some novel from the late 20th century on Earth. When he looked up, the facial expression he wore was no one of pleasure at having been disturbed.

"Can I help you, Lieutenant?" he asked in a tone that didn't share any hint of enthusiasm toward the offer.

Entering, she took in the entire room in one glance, her senses telling her that this... humanoid had obviously just taken over command of this vessel or perhaps didn't share an appreciation for frivolous trinkets and baubles that humans seem so fond of displaying. " I am Lieutenant Xishaal Idrani, I was assigned to be your new Chief of Flight Control."

Reflexively her thin antennae protruded forward towards the seated man, she could hear the beating of his heart within his chest and knew that this silvery haired scarred man before her wasn't actually a human at all. There was something more... ancient about him.

"Here are my orders, Captain."

Doc Cowell grunted as he took the PADD she'd offered and glanced at it long enough to make it look good, but in truth he didn't actually bother to read it. Having seen about a million or so transfer orders in his extended lifetime, he knew which key words to scan for to know the document was real. When he'd made a good show of it, he handed the PADD back to the Andorian and motioned toward one of the chairs resting in front of his desk.

"Grab a seat, Miss... Idrani was it?" Nathan offered, not sure of whether he'd remembered her name right or not.

Her face emotionless and impassive, Xishaal remained standing "I prefer to stand, Captain. I am not here for idle conversation, merely to present myself as required and report to my station. I do not wish to be anymore of a bother to you, I'm sure you have much more pressing matters to attend to rather than to have to give... 'the speech' to another crewman." Nodding her head in understanding "If there is nothing left to be said then I leave you to your duties... Captain Cowell"

Her senses had clearly picked up much about the man in the few minutes it took to hand her transfer orders to him and his cursory glance at them. She was more eager to get to her station then to spend time in idle conversation, Captain or no Captain; there was work to be done.

"I like you already," Cowell decided, "No expectations for show, no ceremony, just get in and get out. By all means, my dear, get out there and get something accomplished. Kick that Ensign at your station in the head for me while you're at it, that little whiny bastard..."

"....As you wish Captain." Xishaal says "...I will try not to injure him too much sir. "
turning on heel, she exits promptly and walking directly up to the ensign sitting at the Conn. grabbing him by the scruff of his collar, drags him to the floor " ensign, you are releived!"


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