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The PCS Blues

Posted on Sat Dec 22nd, 2012 @ 11:27pm by Lieutenant Sngarlassanarn

Mission: Funzone
Location: USS Havers, docked at Starbase 11
Timeline: One day before start of mission

It was 0701, and Sickbay was empty. As well it should be, the Havers was docked at Starbase Eleven. But, Starfleet regulations required that a medical officer be on watch at all times. And the night shift had been his for the last two years. Sngarlassanarn paced around sickbay. His relief was late.

He didn't mind too much though. Snarl had spent most of the shift grooming himself. He'd look fantastic when he departed the ship in just a few hours.

His quarters were packed up. Ops had probably moved the shipping crates full of mementos already. illThe photos of the Marines he had served with, fought with. The sickbay staff of the Mercury. The old-style human stethoscope T'Sah had given him when he left for OCS and medical school.
"Never mind the fact that it won't work with your ears, it's my understanding that they're traditional gifts." the reptilian CMO had said.

Snarl smiled a bit at the memory. He had left the Fleet after the war. But, after almost two years, he missed it. Not the warfighting, but the helping people. So, he'd reenlisted, and pulled enough strings to make sure he didn't go back to the Marines. He'd been lucky enough to be assigned to a starship. The first starship back into the Gamma Quadrant after the war at that. Starfleet was back to exploring.

All the while, Snarl had been plodding away at college. While on the Mercury, he finished his Bachelor's degree. Someone had half-jokingly suggested he apply for a commission. So, he did. He wasn't accepted that year. But he was a few years later when he tried again.

Snarl was pulled out of his thoughts by the door opening. It was Doctor Jackson, the Havers CMO. "Morning Doctor. Sorry I'm a few minutes late. I just did not want to get out of bed this morning."

"Quite alright sir. Nothing to pass on. No patients after 2330, Crewman Williams broke his finger slamming it in a panel."

"Alright. I know you said you didn't want a party or anything, so... I didn't plan one. But I think some of the nurses plan to ambush you on your way off the ship, just a warning."

Snarl smiled. Well, it was what passed for a felinoid smile anyways. "Thanks ." He took a look around sickbay. "Well, it's been a pleasure."

"Yes, yes it has." Tom Jackson offered his hand. "Good luck Snarl. Call if there's ever anything I can do, or if you want someone to argue with."
Snarl took the hand into his paw. "Will do." He released the CMOs hand and walked out the door into the future.

[Two hours later]

After saying goodbye to the Captain, Snarl approached the gangplank, with a carryall slung over his shoulder. Sure enough, he spied about a half-dozen nurses just around the bend, by the station where the JOOD stood. He sighed. "Dammit, why can't we ever do these things quietly? It makes them easier." he muttered, before stepping around the corner, and trying his best to feign surprise.

"Crap! Here he comes!" Snarl heard the Chief Nurse, a human woman named Nadine say. He heard the rustling of paper, as they unrolled a handmade sign.

"WE'LL MISS YOU SNARL!" it read, in obnoxiously bright lettering.

"I take it you guys missed the memo about me not wanting any pomp and circumstance?" Snarl asked, the UT getting rid of the slight lisp he had.
"Oh come on, like we'd pay any attention to that, you big furry oaf!" giggled a Bolian nurse.

Snarl repressed a sigh he felt coming on. "Alright, alright. If you each get a hug, can I leave the ship peacefully?"
The nurses all nodded in agreement.

After giving them each a hug, he spied a couple of Corpsman who had snuck into the group. One of them, a Trill had had many a conversation with Snarl about his transition from being a "Doc" to an actual doctor. The male Trill smiled. "Wish you weren't leaving us sir. At least you knew what it was like to be a grunt."

Snarl smiled. "I meant what I said, if you want that letter of recommendation to med school, just send me a message. I'll be happy to write one."
The corpsman smiled in return. "Will do sir."

There was another rustle of paper, as the banner was rolled up. "We each signed it, and there's a few little messages on it too. We figured you can add it to your mementos." Nadine handed the roll of paper to the doctor. "Thank you all. Guess I'll... see you around." Snarl turned to the Junior Officer of the Day, an Ensign in Operations gold "Permission to disembark, sir?" He held his paw to his head, getting as close to a military salute as a felinoid could.

"Permission granted sir. Fair winds and following seas." The ensign returned the salute.

Snarl dropped his paw to his side, and started across the gangplank, as the assembled nursing staff all shouted goodbyes after him.


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