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Extreme Home Makeover: Sovereign Edition

Posted on Sun Dec 23rd, 2012 @ 2:46pm by Lieutenant Three of Seven
Edited on on Sun Dec 23rd, 2012 @ 2:54pm

Mission: Funzone
Location: USS Arizona
Timeline: Follows "Sweet Home Arizona"

A Starfleet engineer could expect to work on many diverse projects in their interstellar career as the mechanics to the stars; be it operating a Cochrane matter/anti-matter reactor assembly, or manipulating the atomic structure of a fellow member of the crew via the matter-energy transference system known colloquially as the transporter, or the more mundane task of repairing someone's sonic shower. The options ranged from the bizarre, such as when Crewman Macy experienced a malfunction in the holodeck imaging resolution scanners while engaged in a rather explicit program that her husband had sent her, to the patently gross, such as when Three had spent a week down in the waste reclamation system trying to correct a two percent overage on the waste processors' power consumption.

Starfleet engineers built the ships of the fleet, powered the ships of the fleet, repaired the ships of the fleet, and were already working to make tomorrow's ship obsolete by the time it was launched out of Spacedock.

They also did home design.

While Ensign de Pazzis - Warlock - led the team that was converting Captain Haverson's quarters into generic VIP accomodations, Three was directing the team doing the reverse on the far side of Deck Two from where Haverson had stayed, and Cowell too, prior to his promotion and departure from the Arizona.

One thing that the Borg Collective had failed to equip their drones with, however, was an appreciation for the ascetics of interior design. Three was grateful, then, that the Dungeon and Dragons crew seemed to have no shortage of ideas for the captain's new cabin.

Lumbering across the construction area, the larger-than-life figure of Weylan Frost came out of breath, haggard, and clutching something quite extraordinary in his hands. "So I had an idea about interior lighting options," the petty officer began, holding the object d'art out for the Borg to better inspect. Eagerly, and with an air of excitability, the man demanded, "What do you think?"

Three could only blink.

The lamp was shaped in a rather distinctive and shapely form, being cast as a woman's leg in fishnet stockings, affixed at a plain black base by way of a black stiletto heel shoe. At the top of the thigh and the height of indecency, the lamp shape hung down in a fringe of black frills.

The drone blinked a second time, his cognitive processors still having difficulty in processing the notion that such a thing would exist. Dryly, the small Ocampa began, "It is..."

"I KNOW, RIGHT!?" Weylan exclaimed, with a smile that very nearly split his round face. "The old man's gonna love it!"

A third blink. "Borg visual enhancements would be more effective, but your lamp will suffice," Three decided finally, nodding with his approval of the offered lighting accessory. Pausing a moment, the drone said, "I also wanted to talk to you about another matter..."

Cutting him off, Petty Officer Frost - Ranger - interjected and said, "If it's about the three-D chess set that's also a kaltoh board AND an icemaker, I'm telling you, that would really kick this place up to the next level."

Three found himself stammering for a moment as his conversational routines ran a quick system diagnostic to ensure that he was properly following the course of this conversation. "I will... take that under advisement," the drone remarked, resuming its attempt at broaching the next subject. "It is about the next Dungeon and Dragons game..."

"Someone's putting one together?" the engineer said, brightening at the thought for a moment before he seemed to flinch. "I mean, Jarick kinda always just did that. And I dunno if it'd be right to play without him..."

"I am proposing that you run the next game," Three stated casually.

"Me? I mean, I've run a table here and there, but ever since Jarick came aboard it just seemed right for him to..."

"It is important for the crew to resume their regular daily functions," the drone commented.

"I dunno... I doesn't seem right to just pick up where Jarick left us off at..."

"I concur," Three stated, this time interrupting the petty officer. "Perhaps we could use this opportunity to explore a different setting for the game, such as Forgotten Parallels or Ethereal Realms."

"Forgotten Parallels? I mean, hey, 2366 called. They want their x-pac back," Ranger commented glibly, rubbing at the five o'clock shadow across his face as he seemed to consider it. "Wow. I did a homebrew in FP back in my high school days..."

Trailing off, Ranger fell silent as he looked down and found himself staring uncomfortably into the mechanical blue eyes of the Ocampa Borg.

"I'll see what I can do, sir," Weylan said finally.

With a nod, the drone turned to be about its work. "Your efforts are appreciated... Dungeon Master."


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