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Meeting the Old Man

Posted on Mon Dec 24th, 2012 @ 5:46pm by Lieutenant Tre Boid & Captain Nathan Cowell MD

Mission: Funzone
Location: Bridge
Timeline: About an hour after "Office Space"

While Tre sat reading PADDs with a wealth of psychological information on the crew, he had the crew manifest pulled up on his console on the desk. A beeping started, which Tre ignored for several moments before looking up. The manifest had changed, listing Captain Nathan Cowell as the new Commanding Officer. Well that couldn't be right. Cowell was the Chief of Staff for Starfleet, and an Admiral to boot. Must be someone with the same unfortunate name, although hadn't someone said Cowell was aboard? Wasn't he the old CO? There were too many questions there.

Pushing back his chair, Boid got up and straightened his uniform before heading out of the door. His sure and steady foot-steps brought him to the Turolift, where he entered. "Bridge." He ordered, playing with his uniform to make sure everything was straight. If this was the old Cowell, than it wouldn't do to not look in the best of shape, although Cory never let him leave his quarters without being able to pass inspection.

The bridge of a Sovereign vessel was one to behold. It truly earned it's name with it's majesty, the wide bridge covered with walls of console, but also space and luxury. This was Tre's first time on a Sovereign, and he wasn't used to the lay-out, but one thing was always certain. The Captain's chair was front and center. An older gentleman was sitting in it, grey hair prominent, but Tre wouldn't be able to tell who until he got around to the front. He moved fairly slowly, taking in the sight before he finally stopped in front of the man in the Captain's uniform. Captain's pips, Captain's uniform, but that was definitely the face of Admiral Nathan Cowell, every officer had probably seen it in the Fleet.

Tre pulled himself into attention. "Lieutenant Tre Boid, reporting for duty, sir."

"Are you now? Good to know," Nathan said offhandedly, "So which department are you representing, Baldy? Science or Medical?"

"Counseling, sir. I have twenty years experience in the field of psychiatry and psychology, Adm-Captain, Sir." Tre replied, filing a mental note about looking at that hair regrowth treatment Cory had suggested. Cowell probably wouldn't find twenty years impressive, though, but it was what he had, and it was more than most counselors on Starfleet vessels.

"You know I can feel you trying to poke around in my head," the old man said suddenly, "Last time someone tried that they didn't much care for the pain. I suggest before you find it, you retreat."

Though El-Aurians didn't display telepathic traits, it was a well recognized fact that the species did exhibit a strange sensitivity to things that few other species could. His experience with the Nexus phenomenon during the Enterprise-B incident only made those sensitivities worse.

"So, Lieutenant Baldy," Nathan switched gears suddenly, "What small corner of the Fleet did you manage to break out of? Don't care much for personnel files, been in the business too damn long to care about reading a jacket that's ninety percent opinion anyway. Like to hear it from the horse's mouth."

"Sir, I respect people's thoughts and feelings as their own, I was in no way trying to read your thoughts. Anything I do read will be the equivalent to you screaming it in your mind. As for my small corner of the Fleet, I was assigned to the USS Zeebrugge as Ship's Counselor, where I served for eight years. It did three missions in deep space in the Beta Quadrant. Prior to that, I served on Starbase 131, where I spent the majority of my time dealing with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder following the war. That was my first assignment in Starfleet, prior to Starfleet I served with the Betazed Peacekeepers as a Crisis Manager, including during the invasion and hold of Betazed by the Dominion. This was following my graduation from University of Betazed with a Medical Doctorate specializing in Psychiatry. Is that enough of my corner of the Fleet, or would you prefer I start my story from the womb?"

"Couldn't care less about your mother's pouch, kid," Nathan remarked bluntly, "Seen too many of them in my life to care which one dropped you off. But it's good that you're in to crisis management, Baldy. Seems Starfleet let some dipshit run this boat while I was off running Starfleet. Can't say I'm shocked, but I can say I'm pissed he let good lives go to waste. The ones he didn't throw in the shitter are pretty banged up emotionally. Hell, those two over there cried on me. Had to burn that shirt..."

Nathan pointed over to Lieutenants Junior Grade Marion and Akron, who were manning Flight Control and Operations respectively, "Never seen a bigger bunch of pansy asses in all my life!"

"Why thank you sir," Paul smirked without looking back.

"Fuck you too, Dad..." Elizabeth snorted, giving Nathan a withering glare momentarily.

"See how she treats me? You try to raise your kids right and they end up sassing you like their shit don't stink..." the old man bemoaned, not the typical reaction one would have ever expected.

Tre looked over at the two, then back to Cowell. "I have already checked that a Critical Incident Stress Debriefing has been done. Three of Seven was unable to attend, the Lieutenant will be meeting me tomorrow for a Stress Debriefing. I will be monitoring the crew closely, though, following this tragedy. I can keep you abreast of the situation as much as is possible with Doctor-Patient confidentiality." Tre had a feeling that there was much more to the dynamic than met the eye, but he'd be keeping an eye on Cowell to make sure the hard-ass didn't bruise anyone during this fragile period of recovery. He'd hate to have to hurt the man.

Nathan frowned at the Counselor, "Son, I've been in the medical profession since the 1800s. If anyone should be lecturing someone on Doctor-Patient confidence, it's going to be me. Used to teach it at the Academy in fact... Long before your time. But yes, keep me advised. Much as I like breasts, I don't think you should be throwing naughty bits around. A mammary is a terrible thing to waste."

"Oh you are such an ass!" Lt. Marion suddenly erupted and threw the only thing handy at the Captain, her commbadge.

"Look here, just because you're still a virgin doesn't mean I can't like a good tit," Cowell grumbled as he tossed the badge that had struck him on the chest out of his lap, "You need to have a talk with her. She's been mean to me ever since I got back. I mean honestly, does a father deserve this kind of treatment?"

"You're not my real father!" Marion fumed.

"Right... just because I didn't stick your mother with my rusty junk doesn't mean I don't take care of you like one of my own. Kids today..." Cowell said while shaking his head, "You know, back in my day when the adults were talking, the children used to be quiet. Can't get that kind of service anymore."

"Sir, while I do give a damn about personnel files, and have a fair idea how yours reads, including your vast medical history, I do not treat anyone differently. Therefore, the same warnings go whether you need them or not. Also, I am not a titty man, so I'll try not to display mine on the bridge. I doubt anyone would like to see them." Tre replied, feeling himself getting slightly irritated. Who sent this kind of curmudgeon back to a ship?

"Pardon?" Nathan glanced up at the Counselor as if he'd been light-years away, "Oh, you're still here, Baldy? I figured you'd have been off shrinking heads by now. Did you need something else from me?"

"Dismissal, although, given a reaction like that, you might want to see myself or the new CMO for something for senility," Tre replied.

"Don't take pills," Nathan grunted, "Don't care to listen to any doctors other than myself either. But by all means, son, go... shrink... be merry. I've got a nap to get to anyway."

"Hypos are a thing, Captain. You should try it some time." Boid replied before snapping to attention again for a second, then walking off of the bridge. Yup, this was going to be a clusterfuck. Cory owed him SO much for leaving the Zeebrugge.


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