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Posted on Mon Dec 31st, 2012 @ 6:51am by Lieutenant Tre Boid

Mission: Funzone
Location: Ship Counselor's Office
Timeline: Sometime after "Armed and Dangerous" and "Freudian Slips"

One would think that being able to sit down and leisurely read the psychological histories of all the senior staff members would be an easy thing. Not too difficult. Every officer was required to have at least a basic psychological profile on file. What could possibly be the problem? Well, aside from interruptions every once and a while, the issue seemed to be information. Or lack thereof.

Tre scratched his head as he looked at the file on his console in front of him. The screen read: Sheen, Adam Charles. Ensign. Male. Where was the rest of the information? There was nothing else there. No note that the dossier had been redacted, or classified, or destroyed, or moved, or...anything else. It was just gone. At least it mentioned gender, otherwise Tre was going to be very confused. Sheen had been on the ship during the incidents leading up to this, that was on a separate list, which apparently hadn't been eaten. Maybe it was just his access?

Crewman Xarym, has Bureau of Personnel mentioned any issues with people's records? Tre asked telepathically to his new assistant and fellow Betazoid. The girl was young, barely old enough to be in Starfleet, but interested in learning. Also, it was nice to have someone that he could connect to and not have to worry about invading privacy.

No, Lieutenant, there have not been any reports. Xarym replied from outside of the office. I will send a message and ask if they are experiencing any difficulties.

Thank you. Tre said as he tried to pull the file up again, after deleting his cache. This was going to be fun. If Tre couldn't get in, that would mean that unless BuPers had screwed up his access, which was unlikely, no one could read the file. Cory was going to have a fit if he couldn't even read up on his new department head before meeting the Ensign. If Tre had a suspicion, Cory would flip out just having an Ensign as a department head. Oh well.

There was really only one option for Tre, aside from tracking down whether or not the new CMO had access. If the new CMO was onboard. Sighing, Tre tapped his combadge. "Lieutenant Boid to Ensign Sheen. Please report to the Counselor's office for a psychological evaluation." He said clearly.


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