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Getting down to business...

Posted on Thu Jan 20th, 2011 @ 5:02pm by Captain Nathan Cowell MD & Lieutenant Commander Aiden Roberts (KIA)

Mission: Hippocratic Hijacking
Location: Bridge, USS Arizona
Timeline: Following 'Sharing the dirt'

Captain Nathan Cowell, in a move that seemed uncharacteristic for him given his penchant for being cloistered up in his office, stormed out of the Ready Room like a man on a mission. While not entirely accurate, he did have missions to hand out, and timetables he was determined to stick to. He surveyed his bridge and found his First Officer no where to be seen. Not unusual given that his job didn't revolve solely around his inhabiting the bridge. The next figure his eyes fell on became the target of his delegations.

"Joker, you busy?" Nathan asked, using the nickname he'd given the man rather than his name.

Aiden was startled, working at one of the auxiliary stations in the rear of the bridge as opposed to the forward operations console, leaving the ever so capable Lieutenant Marion to her own devices. Roberts looked up from his work at the mission operations station, where he was using the sensors to tag locations on the surface that were set up as wards and medical triage stations. He was still in the process of allocating resources to these areas such as medicinal supplies, diagnostic equipment, and communication relays. It was mundane and trivial work he would delegate normally to the quartermaster, but Starfleet seemed to still find humor in assigning young and inexperienced non-commissioned officers to roles much more suited for those who were seasoned. He was going to miss Chief Campeli as he broke in Crewman Sekara, who was still bogged down with the task of assigning quarters to crew members who recently arrived on the Arizona.

"What's up Boss?", Aiden replied.

"The overhead bulkhead," Cowell quipped as he walked over to the man and clapped him on the shoulder, "But that's not important. You look like you could use some fresh air."

Before Aiden had a chance to retort Cowell continued, "See, I knew you'd agree. Here's what needs to happen. The kid and I need to go down and meet with this Parker character. While we're doing that, I need you to do my bitch work. Get with Medical and Science... enlist Miss S'anra for this too since she's a scientist, and have them beam down to the surface and begin getting samples of this virus and treat who we can while we're here. Also, get with Security; with all the medical supplies we'll be transporting down there I'm sure someone's going to get sticky fingers and try to run off with shit that isn't theirs. Also, have Ms. Indrani start shuttling the more sensitive supplies down in shuttle craft, not everything we have transports very happily, and we don't have time to waste recalibrating transporters for every little damn drug that doesn't like being dematerialized. Think you can handle all that?"

"See I knew it was a trick question..." Mumbled the Lieutenant with a nod of acknowledgment whilst tapping away at a padd. "Anything else on the shopping list before I stretch my legs?"

"Yeah, you only have about a day before we need to move on and find these pirates. Better stretch quick and start running," Cowell said with what could only be described as an evil smirk.

"Good thing I ate a well balance, sugar filled breakfast. Transporter Room One in an hour sound good?" Standing, after securing the console.

"An hour sounds fine. Make it happen, Joker," Cowell said before tracing a course back to his Ready Room.

Aiden waited for the doors of the Ready Room to close, before speaking aloud. "Yea... he likes me..."


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