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When Departments Collide

Posted on Thu Jan 20th, 2011 @ 7:21pm by Lieutenant Commander Aiden Roberts (KIA) & Lieutenant Colonel Anastasia DeVries

Mission: Hippocratic Hijacking
Location: Deck 7 - Security Offices
Timeline: After Down to Business

Time was ticking, and Aiden had a deadline to meet. His first stop on his laundry list of things to do brought him to the depths of the ship to the Security department. There, the computer indicated was where he could meet with Major A. DeVries. He hadn't found the time to delve into the database, so he was winging another meeting with one of peers. He was hoping this would go better than it had with the Chief Engineer, but then again this was a Marine he was meeting - they never made things easy.

"So that's what a brig looks like from the outside", he thought as he wandered out of the wrong room again. This time, he found himself in a room with desks, and actual people. "Anyone know where I can find Major Dev.... DeVrees? DeVries? I guess.." He said, squinting at a padd. "If someone can point me in his general direction that'd be great..."

Lowering their heads and secretly awaiting the minor explosion they were sure was to come, the seated individuals were not disappointed when the Major's head spun swiftly as the obscene butchering of her name.

"I'd love to point you in his direction... hmm... wait... let me see if I can find him... oh... wait... I know... I'm him. Well how about that! Now, who are you and what do you want?" Stace questioned with a sour look on her face. Oh how she hated to be disturbed for something she was going to dread... and she had a feeling this was a pre-dreadful moment.

Aiden bit his lower lip, and slightly nodded - not in any general direction but more so to himself. "Yea... sorry..." He looked around the room briefly, the looks on the faces on those in the bullpen resembled scared patrons in an old western holodrama bar. He knew he was in the wrong, but after laying eyes on the voice addressing his mind went blank.

'I ... uhhh. I'm Lieutenant Aiden Roberts, Chief of Operations. After removing my foot from my mouth, I was hoping to coordinate some security details to go planetside..." He trailed off with a sly grin, making a mental note again to review of the personnel files.

Stace frowned at his mentioning of the planet. "Oh yeah... I sort of forgot about that." Straightening her face out, the red head turned her attention back towards both the Lieutenant and the Petty Officer. "I suppose I have plenty of able bodies. Did you have something particular in mind or are you more of a winging it kind of guy?"

"Oh yea I like to wing it..." Roberts quickly responded, forgetting where he was for a moment. "From time to time I mean... The Old Man is heading down, which I'm sure his sharp wit and charm will keep folks at bay, I'm worried about the stores of supplies I am sending down." The Lieutenant paused while the Major was looking the other way, looking at her from head to toe briefly before continuing. "Desperate people do desperate things..."

A scoff escaped her lips and she sighed in realization. "I suppose I would be worried too. I can only imagine what that wreck of a planet looks like. As much as I love a bit of violence, I never was too much of a riot fan. Therefore I'll make sure your goods are handled. How do you like that?"

Aiden stared again for a moment, before looking at his padd. Although distracted, he was happy he came prepared. He briefly scrolled through the list of supplies being distributed to each infirmary, and the scheduled arrival times for the more sensitive (and ironically more valuable) goods being transferred via shuttle. He doubled checked his work, before offering the padd to the Major. "This should be everything you need to assist in handling Starfleet's goods. I suggest coordinating with Lieutenant Idrani as well, she has the more sensitive cargo going down with her on a shuttle. Would be nice to have someone riding shotgun..."

"Nice for who Lieutenant?" Stace smirked with a hint of amusement as she took the PaDD from him and gave it a quick glance over. "Uh huh... mhm... everything seems to be in order here. I'll get right on it. If I have any questions I'll be sure to get with you."

Aiden smirked back, not sure if he should go or not. "Yea sure get with me.. I'm sort of coordinating things for the Captain. So those who have questions, comments, suggestions... should get with me..." He started to ramble out loud. He wasn't nervous, but definitely felt out of place - especially with so many unfamiliar faces. He would make it a point to come below decks more often, as he peered around the room again while there was a awkward silence. "Oh! I'll be on the surface in about an hour so if you, or any of your folks need to reference something..." He said before starting for the door he entered from, only before casually stopping. He got lost coming in here, and he was pretty sure these compartments were so intricately to keep people from getting out easily.

"Oh trust me Lieutenant... I'll be referencing with you plenty," Stace retorted with a wave of the hand. "I'll see you soon."

Perhaps too soon.


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