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New job, new Mission already?

Posted on Mon Jan 24th, 2011 @ 12:59pm by Lieutenant Commander Aiden Roberts (KIA) & Lieutenant Xishaal Idrani

Mission: Hippocratic Hijacking
Location: Bridge
Timeline: After When Departments Collide


The turbolift doors in the rear of the bridge as Aiden exited. He briefly looked around, until he found the missing puzzle piece to his scavenger hunt that took him to all ends of the ship within the last forty minutes. He had been to the medical labs, the security offices, and now he found himself bck where he started. He saved this one for last on purpose, mostly because of who it concerned.

The Lieutenant had had many dealings with Andorians in the past. His roommate for four years at the Academy was an Andorian. He had a great deal of respect for their culture and beliefs. He even took the time to learn their native tongue both in written and spoken forms. But in all his dealings over the years with this species, he learned none of them were alike. He pondered how this would go as he approached the front of the bridge towards the conn and operations consoles. Lieutenant Marion was still where he left her, and working next to her was the unmistakable blue skin that Andorians were most known for.

"Lieutenant Idrani?"

"...Lieutenant Roberts..." Xishaal replied, her eyes still focused on the console. She'd spent most of her time tweaking the controls to suit her personal style. "....Is there something you require.." She added, more as a statement rather than a question. Her antennae suddenly protruding slowly in his direction.

It was the antennae that Aiden found to be most peculiar feature of Andorian physiology. Some beings would bite their lower lip while others fidget with their hands when nervous. But when it came to Andorians, he had yet to pin down a reason why their antennae twitched or moved the way that they did. He was intrigued and amused all the same.

"Actually there is..." He paused, not sure whether or not the woman would turn to meet his gaze while he spoke or not. He started again, assuming that she was caught up in her work. "The Captain suggested we transfer some of the more valuable and sensitive materials to the surface via shuttle craft. Saves me the pain staking work of constantly recalibrating the transporter systems. I've seen Ensign Arkon sweat buckets establishing a standard orbit, lord knows what atmospheric flight will do to his nerves...., as fun as it would be to watch..."

Her tasks completed for now, Xishaal turned her head slightly towards the Lieutenant. Her antennae still constantly moving , constantly processing large amounts of sensory information that was beyond normal human capabilities. " suggest that Ensign Arkon's discomfort is preferable to the efficient delivery of these...valuable and sensitive materials to the surface?" Xishaal rose from her seat to face Lieutenant Roberts, standing just a bit taller than he, her antennae seeming to move much slower now.
Reading minute details in the man's expression informed her as to the best way to proceed with this information.

"...I trust that logistics has the material already prepared and loaded onto a shuttle then..."

Taken aback by the Lieutenant's response and 'down to business' mentality, Aiden handed her his last padd from his jaunt around the ship. "Everything you need can be found on here. Might take a few trips, but what it is,and where it's going, is on here."

Taking the PADD from him she looks it over " did say that the material is loaded and ready for transport didn't you?"

Signaling for her relief she ushers the man towards the turbolift.

"Oh yea the first trip is loaded and ready go." As he turned on his heel, matching Idrani's steps. "The second and third trips may require sometime between them. Like I said, they're nothing hazardous. They do, however, require some rather exact conditions when it comes to handling. I'll be beaming down to the surface shortly myself, so I'll take care of getting things situated. It'll save you some down time down...there. Ha!" He joked casually, not sure how his blue skinned peer would react to humor.

"Lieutenant, are you telling me that it's perfectly ok for you to beam down to the planet to increase efficiency but inanimate and non hazardous cargo needs to be transported by shuttle in three trips?" Xishaal says flatly "..If I'm to spend my valuable time as a cargo pilot, you can spend your obviously imensely open schedule in the opposite seat..."

The two of them step on to the turbolift, deciding against the verbal computer controls in favor of the manually operated ones for the lift.
"......I didn't spend 4 years on Indarax and 6 years in the Imperial Guard to have to spend my first day puddle skipping..." Turning to look at the Lieutenant, her ice blue eyes narrow to thin slits of silver "...and do take care to maintain some sense of personal control, your attempt at levity to make up for your obvious...discomfort doesn't suit you Lieutenant. Now which shuttle are we taking.."

Stunned, Aiden smiled. "Oh yea I'm gonna like workin' with you, my friend. "
Xishaal took note at his reaction " humans, have an interesting sense of humor...very well then, I think I should enjoy working with you as well Lieutenant."



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