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Soul Love

Posted on Sat Jan 22nd, 2011 @ 1:59am by Adam Parker & Rh'sul i'Kihai

Mission: Hippocratic Hijacking
Location: Colonial Administration Building, Braken Colony
Timeline: Following 'Secret Meetings'

'0430'... the clock on the wall flashed bright red in the Colonial Administration Building, casting almost eerie red shadows across the white-washed walls in the pure darkness.

Rh'sul slowly opened the door to the Administration Building, her slender body using the shadows within the modest building to cover her entrance. Rh'sul knew where every security camera was placed in the building and she deftly moved around them, her careful scouting finally paying off. As soon as Rh'sul entered the bright red light, she had an immediate flashback to the Senate Chamber on Romulus.

The red. It was the same color the curtains in Romulus' senate hall cast across the huge chamber in the late Romulan afternoon. Just as the tidally locked moon, Remus, rose over the eastern horizon and threatened the dying sun.

Rh'sul shook herself out of her trance and frowned. She was getting rusty. Within minutes, she found the main office section of the building and effortlessly opened the director's office. Sore, tired and ready to kill, Rh'sul fell into the large leather seat at the large desk and waited for 0615.

- 0620 -

Adam Parker had left his home early that morning, a hint of anticipation filling him as he made his way to the office. He was curious to see whether Julia had been cut down in the night or if she would come walking in bright and cheerful as usual. He wasn't sure which of the two outcomes he preferred, sad as it was for him to admit such things.

The Colonial Administration building had been dark, as had the colony itself been, when Adam made his way inside. Early mornings and late evenings had become a routine for him in the recent weeks, though he supposed that was all part of the job. He arrived in front of his office and found himself struggling with the dilemma 'did he lock his door last night or did he forget again' as he had turned the knob only to find it open. Stepping inside, he shrugged the thought off and flipped on the lights, ready to begin the day.

Within an instant, Rh'sul's slender arm rose above Adam's neck from behind as he wondered to his desk. Effortlessly and silently, Rh'sul jerked her forearm into Adam's neck. It took only a second for Rh'sul to pivot her hip against Adam's back and pull towards her, firmly locking Adam's neck with her forearm. It took all her willpower to ignore the pain coursing through her body in her joints.

"You're getting old... and complacent..." Rh'sul leaned into Adam's back, her lips nearly meeting his earlobe. She whispered, keeping back her rage. Control... control... "You know I could have killed you by now. I take it your pretty secretary already told you I was here?"

Rh'sul tightened her grip, using her feet to pull him back. She could feel how cold Adam felt next to her, realizing her own feverishness.

It had been a long time since he had to use any manner of defensive movements, and while he was sure he would win against the woman, something told him to try anyway. Turning his head so that his chin rested in the crease of her arm and grabbed both her wrist and the bottom of her elbow. In a fluid motion, he lifted his chin up and pushed her elbow up over his head, twisting her arm and wrenching it upside down as he turned to face her.

This movement also had the added effect of giving him the advantage of leverage, which he did not waste as he pulled her bodily against the desk. When her stomach struck the desk and she began to fall forward, his elbow connected with the back of her head, causing her vision to blur on impact and giving her that extra incentive to continue her forward and downward arc to the surface of the desk.

By the time Adam calmed down long enough to realize what he was doing, he was choking the life out of her. He could hear wheezing and sputtering, something that was not at all expected.

"What the hell, Rh'sul..." he began, letting up the pressure just slightly so as not to kill her, or at the very least cause her to black out, "For someone so confident in her abilities... you don't look overly able to back that threat up."

Rh'sul snarled like a caged lion, the strong muscles in her back churning against the pressure his body exerted. Normally she would have enough energy to leverage her smaller size to her advantage, but today she could barely find the strength to stay upright as he choked her. Before she knew it, she saw small dots filling her vision. "Godsdammit..."

With one last bit of rage, Rh'sul lifted her sharp boot and slammed it down into Adam's foot next to hers, foot-stomping as a way to make noise and intimidate. She felt the pressure on her throat increase more and she fumbled as she squirmed, "Tell me why Starfleet is here. Did your pretty little secretary sell me out, you traitor?"

"No one sold anyone out, you paranoid woman..." Adam hissed in annoyance as he eased off her, "And anyway, why are you here? I thought you weren't in this area anymore."

Rh'sul pushed Adam away as he let go, her slender body stumbling against the desk. In the dim light, her skin looked white as a Reman and her black eyes were bloodshot green, emerald and raw. "I arrived here about a week ago. Do you remember our deal? I get privacy and full access to your colony for a cut of my profit..."

"No, I didn't forget, Rh'sul. It's not something you just write off after a little time has passed," Mr. Parker said in a dry tone.

Rh'sul crossed her arms and lowered her head as she listened to Adam's low words in the early morning light. Her headache grew worse in a matter of five seconds and she felt herself sweating. Her legs and arms tingled, "Does Starfleet know of our agreement?"

"Starfleet hasn't got a clue you even exist. And I've only seen one of the officers so far. If his new commander is anything like he is, I doubt we'll have any trouble from them. All we really need to be concerned about is the missing supplies," the man answered.

"Where is the medicine for the colonists?"

"Stolen by some pirates, that's what brought the Starfleet ship here in the first place..."

Rh'sul listened to Adam and noticed his voice getting slower. In an instant, the pounding inside her head went numb, and the small dots in her vision grew larger. She immediately knew she was about to collapse. Rh'sul felt a wave of irritation. If she was even mildly able, she would have made a run for it. But she knew she wouldn't get far in this state and her mission was more at risk in the middle of a Braken street than hidden in Adam's office, unconscious.

Rh'sul suddenly hated this place even more. She'd come so far and now she could barely hold herself up. All her secrets, all her identities were now at risk because of the Brakken's godforsaken virus.

The last thing Rh'sul saw before she fell was her own right hand as she reached up to wipe the cold sweat from her forehead. And then, merciful darkness.

As the Romulan woman sank to the floor, Adam's own expectations for his day and the eventual meeting with the Arizona's Captain going smoothly dropped just about as hard. How was he ever going to explain this one?


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