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Taking Charge

Posted on Thu Jan 27th, 2011 @ 4:22pm by S'anra & Lieutenant JG Thomas Beliard

Mission: Hippocratic Hijacking
Location: Makeshift Science Lab, Braken Administrative District, Braken III
Timeline: Following 'Those who stay behind... Part I'

S'anra left the ready room, and made a quick stop in the science lab to make sure she had everything she needed, before returning to the transporter room. She showed the PADD she was carrying with her authorization to the man at the transporter console, "Transport me down to the science lab on the colony."

Without waiting for any sort of acknowledgement, she took the PADD back and stood on the transport pad, and was once again engulfed in the brilliant blue light of the transporter.

The transporter operator had set her down not far from where she had been standing prior to her summons up. She found the science officer, Beliard, working on another piece of equipment. She handed him her PADD, and gave him approximately five seconds to acknowledge it's contents, "Status report, how soon will all of the equipment be set up?"

"Primary equipment within the hour. Some of the secondary scanners and test stations may take more time. but we should be able to begin analysis and fundamental testing very soon, Ma'am." Thomas said as he made the last few adjustments to the console to tie it in to the rest of the systems. He watched her for a moment, trying to gauge her reaction to being called Ma'am. He understood why she was assigned Chief Science officer, especially in this case. He had almost no medical knowledge whatsoever. Bet he needed to know how devoted a Romulan civilian would be to a Federation office normally held by an officer of Starfleet.

S'anra nodded, "I want anyone not setting up lab equipment to start collecting data. We need a blood sample and biographic and medical history from everyone here. Some from non-infected people should be collected as well. We need to isolate where this virus came from, and why the people who are infected are infected, and why others aren't."

Thomas looked for Floyd and Tani. he found them setting up medical equipment on the other side of the makeshift science lab.

"Floyd, Tani, how long until that equipment is up?" Thomas said as he walked over to them. "Maybe 5 minutes, sir. All we have to do is power up the system and tie it into the rest of the equipment." Tani replied.

"Good, as soon as that is done, I want both of you to begin collecting blood samples. we need them from those affected by the virus, as well as those who are not. we also need medical history from everyone here, as well as biographic data for the population. See if you can get some assistance from anyone on the medical team. There's not much left to do to get this lab up and running, and I can take care of that myself." Thomas said as he started un-boxing more equipment. " Yes sir." The petty officers said in unison.

Everything seemed in order. "I am going to make some preliminary observations of a few of the patients. Come and get me when the equipment is ready and the data is collected, and we'll begin analysis," S'anra stated, taking her PADD back, and opening a file to take notes on.

Thomas watched as the Romulan woman walked away. 'Very down to business, this one.' he thought as he returned to his work. Maybe she wasn't half bad after all...


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