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Mash, Sweet Mash

Posted on Thu Jan 27th, 2011 @ 6:41pm by Lieutenant Dravic Rixx (MIA)

Mission: Hippocratic Hijacking
Location: USS Arizona, An Unknown Remote Jeffries tube Junction
Timeline: ~1 week ago, the Day after Rixx Arrives on Board

The Corn he had brought on board with him was wet, the burlap sack, still wet. Dravik opened the sack to check for sprouts, and was happy find that all of the corn seemed to be sprouting. Pulling several kernels out of the sack he sniffed them, "Just think, in 10-15 days, you will be the ship's first triple distilled Whiskey, Arixxona Brand Whiskey."

Smiling he opened two of the other containers in the junction, one full of clear water, the other a metal container, with a small low power fusion generator attached. Rixx poured the contents of the burlap sack into the water and begins to wash the corn kernels, meticulously removing the freshly sprouted stalks and roots from the kernels, and depositing them into the kernel after a vigorous shake in the water to rinse them.

"I'm going to have to try a sweet whiskey for the next batch, maybe a fruit flavored whiskey."

Rixx reached into a supply barrel and pulled out a 3 foot rod with a flat head, and multiple rounded and sharp protrusions, Dravik slipped the rod into that metal container, and begins to smash the corn kernels, stopping every few minutes to check the kernels for splitting, being careful to split every single kernel he could find. When he was sure that he had split every kernel in the mash pot, he pressed a control on the side, and the dome shaped cover iris-ed shut, and the fusion generator whirred to life as the heating pot began to warm water in the lower part of the pot.

=15 minutes later=
The pot chirped and Rixx read the controls, the water was boiling, and he pressed the control that would drop the mash into the boiling water while turning the heat off. Dravik set the pots dual thermometers to release the yeast into the mixture as soon as the ambient temperature on the outside of the pot, and the temperature of the mash/water mix was the same temperature. The Chief Engineer checked the waterproof pressure valve and then set the control locking code, and smiled.

In 8-10 days, the mash would be done fermenting and then he would be able to move things to the next phase of production. Of course he was still missing one piece for the 20th century era still, copper tubing. Something was all but unheard of on board a Starfleet Vessel, however he would have to go down to the industrial replicator to get what he needed, he would have to take care of that in the coming week.

=Shortly After "Engineering Enmity"=

Rixx was back in the jeffries tube, slithering forward on his stomach through the small crawlspace, he noticed, as he always did how small this particular section of jeffries tube was, and how easy it was for him to slip in as his favorite species of serpent. As he slid into the junction, Rixx touched a few commands on the fermentation vessel and smiled, "Not quite ready, looks like its going to need a few more days..."


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