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Handling Business, Bruce Lee style...

Posted on Sun Jan 30th, 2011 @ 5:43pm by Lieutenant Commander Aiden Roberts (KIA) & Captain Nathan Cowell MD & Petty Officer 3rd Class Loren Sora

Mission: Hippocratic Hijacking
Location: Lt. Roberts' Quarters, USS Arizona
Timeline: Shortly after 'The Captain's 'Kid"

A faint crackle of a burning fire echoed on the room. Shadows of a yellow glow danced on the walls from the holographic fireplace that wasn't exactly standard issue in living quarters, even in senior officer quarters. However, when you put a well skilled engineer in the position where he has access to the ship-wide holographic system anything is possible. The fireplace was simple, something that was negligible when it came to power consumption reports that would come across his desk. It was a mood setter, and a little piece of home - nothing more.

The room itself was dim, but in the light it was rather large suite. No where near the size of the Captain's or Executive Officer's quarters, but it resembled quarters normally suited for a family on a starship. It comprised of three rooms. The first room was the living room, simple with a sitting area as well as an area that doubled as a dining room. The second room was bedroom, which had a large bathroom off to the side. The third room was set up as an office - a place to bring work home or somewhere to sit with a hobby of some sort. It was a lot smaller than what Aiden was used to, having lived both in a town house apartment on Tracos III and then apartment he had on Starbase 98. However it would more than adequate for what Aiden needed.

While the rooms was still sparse of decorations still in storage, the living room was buzzing with activity. Chairs at the dining room table to we toppled over, a mess of teal or yellow uniform garments laid scattered across the floor, and finally nestled on the couch in front of the animated fire lay two individuals tangled in one another beneath a blanket.

Under normal circumstances, the sound of the door to any quarters would have been preceded by the door chime and a request for entry. Under normal circumstances, Lt. Roberts would not have been receiving guests while the ship was 'sleeping'. His nightly activities would never have been interrupted by the sudden swoosh of the doors connected his quarters with the corridor beyond. Tonight was anything but normal...

The sound of footsteps could be heard, the footfalls pounding the deck as if a stampede of animals were upon the two forms laying wistfully in each others arms. The sound of furniture being hurled across the room was the next sound that issued forth from behind the couch back that obscured the view of the two figures atop it. A loud crash, the sound of glass shattering, the symphony of angry chaos sounded out of their field of view as someone or something terrorized the room.

"Ah shit! Chance go lay do..." Aiden said half awake, thinking his hundred pound Labrador had knocked something over. He opened his eyes to see the damage, trying not to disturb Crewman Sora, or Loren as she preferred to be called.

When Aiden finally caught sight of Captain Cowell, the look on the man's face could have made even a Breen's blood run cold. The full force of six hundred and five years of the man's worldly experience backing and fueling what could only be described as murderous rage.

"You," Cowell said, pointing at the girl clinging a sheet around her nude form, "Get the hell out of here before I snap you like a twig!"

The pair tumbled to the ground, destabilizing the holographic matrix of the fireplace which was now giving off a fire red coloration to the room. Loren grabbed some of her garments, retreating to the bedroom in haste. She didn't make eye contact with the Captain, only replying "Y-Yes sir!".

"And you..." Nathan growled, staring Aiden down with eyes that reflected torments he was entertaining inflicting upon the Operations Chief, "You have some serious explaining to do..."

Aiden looked around the room for the Chrono, which he had still not unpacked. He had slept in before, but this was madness. "I'm sorry Captain, I must have over slept... Chance!" He yelled loudly as the dog's barked echoed with the low yelp of a started Crewman Sora in the other room.

"Oh this isn't about you oversleeping, you miserable fuck," Nathan hissed, "It's about my daughter..."

Aiden's mouth dropped wide open, and he squinted in the dark at the Captain's neck. "I didn't... what? Huh?" He turned his head to the side, almost peering at the doorway leading the bedroom. "I didn't know you were part Trill Sir?" The color drained fully from Robert's face, and his mind raced to a similar situation on Risa many years ago with the Administrator's niece. "I am so sorry Captain. Loren and I...Sir...well..."

"Not her, you stupid bastard! Lieutenant Marion!" Nathan hollered, "I could give a shit less if you bang every nurse, engineer's mate, and security crewman on this ship, but the fact that you dared put a filthy fucking hand on Elizabeth is beyond excusable!"

The entire time he said that, the Captain was gaining on the man, who was still perched on the couch. With the strength of a man Aiden's age, Nathan dragging him off the couch and threw him bodily against the vaulted windows adjacent to the couch. With one hand only, Nathan effectively pinned him to the wall, fingers wrapped around his throat, steadily squeezing the life from him as he continued to speak.

"You will not look at her, you will not touch her, you will only speak to her professionally from now on or so help me I will send you to an early grave..." Cowell said before closing his air supply off completely, "Do you understand?!"

Aiden attempted to cough but no air escaped his mouth. He blinked repeatably, and attempted to nod. "Yeeeezzzzzz."A slurred word finally made it past his lips, before attempting to cough again.

Nathan finally let him go before Aiden's eyes rolled up into the back of his head, "Don't fuck with me on this, boy... I can take a lot of shit from a lot of people, but I will not and do not tolerate people fucking with my children... biological or not."

Before the man could catch his breath, Nathan was already nearly to the door.

Aiden blinked, still trying to catch his breath when a fully clothed, but still disheveled Nurse Sora walked past where he lay towards to the door. "Hmph! Who the hell's Elizabeth?!", she said before exiting as well.


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