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Past and Present

Posted on Sun Jan 30th, 2011 @ 7:50pm by Lieutenant JG Susan Barret

Mission: Hippocratic Hijacking
Location: Messhall USS Arizona
Timeline: Current


DS14 had returned to their own universe, but suffered extensive damage to the station in the process. As a result, the crew was offered either a temporary reassignment until the station was repaired or a permanent reassignment elsewhere in the fleet. Seeing a linguist position open on the Arizona, Susan requested a transfer. She had enjoyed her time on the station, but a linguist job was more appealing to her as that was her area of expertise. The transfer was quickly approved, which was why she now found herself on the newly re-commissioned vessel.

As she was enjoying a plate of denboulian sausage, Susan watched the various crew-members as they came and went from the messhall. It was often the best place to get a feel for the real atmosphere on the ship.
While doing so, she observed a petty officer order a Atalol steak with a side of Krurlran from the replicator. Upon receiving his meal, the PO sat down at a table next to Susan. His choice of meal caught her attention, as it was a combination not usually ordered. Curiosity getting the best of her, she inquired about the man's food choice.

"Expecting a blizzard?"

PO1 Randall Crane looked up at the young Lt. seated at the adjacent table.

"Not unless you managed to modify environmental controls. Why do you ask?"

"No I didn't mess with environmental."
Susan chuckled at the mental image of a snow storm suddenly appearing on the decks of the Arizona.
"Your meal, it reminds me of my childhood. It was a popular meal during the long winters on Matalas Prime. I haven't found anywhere else that enjoys that particular food combination."

"They do have long winters there although I didn't realize Atalol steak and Krurlran was unique to the planet. What took you that close to the frontier, if you don't mind me asking?"
Randall knew the planet was still inhabited and was wanting to learn more from a firsthand source.

"My dad's an ambassador. I've lived all over the place including Matalas Prime. I take it you were stationed there at one point?"

Before Randall could reply, Susan waved over an older gentleman also wearing science blue.

"Chief Sadler, this is..."

Susan paused realizing she never caught the name of the person she was conversing with, nor had she introduced herself.
"Sorry, I'm Susan Barret and this is Chief Petty Officer Trevor Sadler, astrophysicist. We worked together on DS14 before transferring here."

Randall nodded in greeting to both scientists.

"Petty Officer Randall Crane, ship's historian. Or atleast that's what my official job is. I've learned over the years that your job entails more than the official description. And to answer your question Lt, yes I did serve on Matalas Prime. I was there during the early days of 2149 to 2150."

The confused looks on their faces was expected, so Randall began to explain how he ended up in the 24th century.



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