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Getting the ball rolling, one mud pie at a time.

Posted on Wed Feb 2nd, 2011 @ 4:06pm by Lieutenant JG Thomas Beliard

Mission: Hippocratic Hijacking
Location: Braken Colony
Timeline: After Those who stay behind series

Thomas finished his checks on the equipment and was ready to begin this investigation in earnest. He looked for anyone from his department to help him in what he needed to do. He spotted a young crewman wearing Science colors and walked towards her.

Crewman Kaci Baxter looked toward the man as he approached her. Recognizing him as her superior, she straightened up and stopped what it was she was doing to give him her full attention. "Sir."

"Crewman, we have some things that need taking care of. The lab is set up as best as it can be, considering the environment, so we need to start collecting samples for testing. I have Tani and Floyd getting blood and Geographical data, but I would like you to assist me in collecting samples of the soil, water and some local vegetation as well." Thomas said as he began collecting specimen containers. "I am Lieutenant junior grade Thomas Beliard, and you are?" He said, almost as an afterthought.....

"Baxter... Kaci Baxter, Sir." Following his lead, she began to collect specimen containers as well, careful not to contaminate any of them. "Where would you like me to start?"

"Pleasure to meet you Kaci. I'd like you to start with the water and soil. see if you can get samples within the settlement and outside of it. I will begin collecting samples from the native and imported vegetation." Thomas said as he loaded his bag with containers. He liked that she was motivated to do her job. He still wasn't sure if Floyd's heart was in it or not.

"Also, we may want to collect a few samples from the replicator material. It never hurts to be thorough. Bring your samples here and start them to analyzing. Make sure you send subspace bursts to the Arizona with any findings."

Crewman Baxter placed her specimen containers into a sterile bag and looked up to her superior. "Yes, sir." After grabbing a second sterile bag and placing it on the opposite shoulder, she turned and began the trek toward the water to take a few samples from various places. She studied a few of the containers, but there was obviously nothing her naked eye could see. When those samples were placed into the second bag, she began to take some of the moistened soil from around the waters edge before moving back farther. Her hope was that they would find something among all the things collected specimens, but she didn't have any plans to get her hopes up until she had the solid proof right in front of her.

Thomas headed towards the farms to collect his plant samples. He thought of where he was just a year ago, on UP, testing warp bubble dynamics.'What a change of pace." he thought as he began looking for farmers to help him locate vegetation samples. He didn't mind the work, he just hoped it would help these people. There was something that just didn't feel right in his gut about this whole thing. he wiped the sweat from his brow, noticing how warm he felt on such a fine day. perhaps he was stressing too much, and then he coughed.


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