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Those who stay behind: Crash Course

Posted on Wed Feb 2nd, 2011 @ 10:52am by Lieutenant Xishaal Idrani & Lieutenant Walter Suder & Lieutenant Commander Aiden Roberts (KIA)
Edited on on Wed Feb 2nd, 2011 @ 10:55am

Mission: Hippocratic Hijacking
Location: Holodeck I, USS Arizona
Timeline: Current


Standing outside of Holo deck 1, Lieutenant Xishaal stood looking at the list of crewmen staying behind on the planet who'd need refresher courses in shuttle operations. Two names in particular, stood out as those who were in the greatest need of training, The Chief Operations officer she met a few days earlier and a Science officer. The Captain had ordered her to personally handle their training and had expressed his desired that they be brought up to speed, should they be required to use the shuttles in an emergency.

Lieutenant Suder, and Lieutenant Roberts where the first on her list...

Several minutes go by with no sign of either crewman. She hated to be kept waiting, and decides to contact the last of her wayward students. She began to find the lack of discipline utterly appalling. Perhaps a different training program will do much to improve his work ethic...

Xishaal waits a few moments for a reply before hailing the Operations officer "=A= Lieutenant Roberts, your presence is required in Holo deck 1...=A="

There, that should get their attention, The Captain wants this training and assessment completed well before the <i>Arizona</i> leaves orbit. Each potential away team member needs to be competent enough to pilot both the shuttle and the Runabout.

Aiden entered the Holodeck mere moments later, Starfleet silver replicator mug in hand filled with coffee. It was early, and while that extra two hours of sleep would have been much appreciated, it still wouldn't have done much for his alcohol induced headache. Besides, it gave him a chance to sit behind the conn of a small craft, something he hadn't done in two years.

"So what are we starting with Lieutenant, Barrel rolls and combat maneuvers?", he said a loud before taking another swig of his coffee.

Her antennae whipped around to regard the human, sniffing the air Xishaal detects the faint odor of sweat mixed with alcohol. Her eyes narrowing to thin silver daggers, she smiles " good of you to join us Mr. Roberts, Lieutenant Suder is already waiting inside, The two of you will have the honor of running a training program that Andorian combat pilots run as a condition of their graduation from flight school!" Xishaal turns to the control panel and activates the program.

".....If you don't remember what you had for your last meal, don't worry, you'll be seeing it again soon..."

The sounds of utter chaos could be heard as the doors to the holo deck open amid the acrid smell of phaser fire and explosions.

Xishaal was determined to make sure that anyone who qualified to be a pilot under her guidance, would be more than just..capable.



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