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Ghosts of missions past

Posted on Tue Feb 1st, 2011 @ 11:29am by Lieutenant JG Susan Barret

Mission: Hippocratic Hijacking
Location: Messhall USS Arizona
Timeline: Current
Tags: Lt. Suder, Dr. Serran


Susan and Chief Sadler were listening to PO Crane talk about his impressions of the 24th century. Susan remembered the news stories when the Neptune first arrived in the present, but hadn't given it much attention beyond that, as she was focused finishing her studies at the language institute.

..."Lieutenant, Lieutenant, are you ok? Do you know where you are?"

Susan looked around the room, slightly confused.
"In her mind she was just on the planet during the botched away mission in which Moxis was killed.

"I was.. I'm..."

"I'm probably just tired. I should get some rest."

"Probably, no offense but we can't have you spacing out while on duty. You really should report to medical and have them give you a quick check, just in case."
Sadler couldn't make it an official order, but as a Chief Petty Officer, his words carried a lot of weight.

Susan sighed.
"You're right chief. I should be more concerned about my health.

Sadler nodded in agreement.
"Good, if you don't mind I'd like to accompany you to sickbay."

Susan knew when she was beat.
"Shall we?"

As the two left the messhall, Sadler dropped behind the Lt. long enough to contact sickbay.

"This is Chief Sadler to sickbay. Lt. Barret is on her way up. She's been experiening some fatigue and disorientation. It might be wise to have a counselor standing by."



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